-Title quote Fajar-
Soo, this was quite a bright week except some factors that held me and Hamzah back from usual conversation. The weather is cold again and it makes me unbothered to move around. I delayed this entry so much 'cause I wasn't so willing to type it so now I forgot all the good stuff that happened ); I talked with ahoushi a lot this week YAY
Ngebosenin! KAIFA and the stuff after it bothers me. When do we get to talk about life and teenage stuff? Hamzah informed me of something that sorta became our highlight. I believed that Fajar ignored me 'cause it's rare we see each other in KAIFA yet he kept on with the Umar theory. I even asked Adam a favour concerning that boy.
Ignoring the first 4 lessons, at 11:45 when it was time for Physics I ran off to the girls' block because I told Jana we have it there but turns out it was in the Tech Block [sadly], so I thought she would be waiting there. As I rushed through the corridor, I had to face the Jones' students. I saw Adam amongst large people in front of him and he was against the wall by the corner giving an emo impression like that HAHAHA. It was also dark so I couldn't see him properly. I decided to wave and he nodded slowly. At home in MSN he told me he waved back but I didn't see, unfortunately xD Oh yeah, I sorted things out with ahoushi in the evening and suddenly the days that followed Sunday became perfectly fine.
I fasted today. I felt weird and hungry. At 1st break I told Tresa that I don't know what to do in break anymore and she said why don't you eat and I said that I was fasting. When I was walking towards the boys' block I stared at tech and steered my eyes back to the direction I was heading. Suddenly Fajar jumped up next to me with Khalid trailing behind from the stairs. I didn't even see him before o__O;; He held out his hand with a green plastic-looking thing on his finger, grinned and said 'Eh coba deh, rasa mint. Enak lho' or something like that. I ate it and it tasted good but very spicy. I asked him where he got it from but he went inside already. On my way upstairs I appreciated the sensation but thought 'Hmmmh jadi haus nih'. Then Ronaldhino kicked a football at my head, and I realised that I was freaking FASTING. I ran to the bathroom and started rinsing my mouth HAHAHA. After school I told everyone about it but when it came to Hamzah, Fajar came over and heard and put his hands on his head and exclaimed 'OHHH iya ya kamu lagi puasaaa' then backed away as if I'd punch him. He also told me it was from an AMIRUL. It was all funny. Oh yeah I also saw his awesome cool HP. Primary was normal; Carisa joined us. I d'massive chatted at home, glad to catch up with ef jay ar again BWAHA.
I don't remember school hours but after it I went to photography weee and got pass no.22 whilst Hamzah got 21, padahal I prefer that number 'cause 2+1=3 = favourite number. Too bad Umar wasn't footballing or else I would've taken some shots of him HAHAHA XD Well I wanted to join Dhia, Ifa and Carisa but they seemed out of my league so I travelled to the lockers on my own but Hamzah was hanging around with me too. Then I went outside and he supposedly followed me and I took pictures of the top of the blocks with the sky. They were great :D Sometimes we made remarks at each other but besides that everything was peaceful. Later on I went inside Tech Block and sat down on the floor to take pics of arrows LAUGHS. I bet I looked weird. Back outside I told Hamzah about the Maths Store room 'cause Dhia showed me her pics and I was interested. Parry took a group shot of us 8D So then Hamzah and I went into the store room but since there wasn't enough time I couldn't take a lot of pics ._. Oh well.
UHHH I completely forgot about today too. TEEHEE.
Well at night I wanted to go outside but failed and ended up chatting instead :D Oh God why is my memory so bad?
p.s. I made a blog about my past Year 11 life here
4 replies:
A pretty spiffy week for you matar.
my word veri is dolumpin and i laughed at it.
it sure ws, sadly i had too much spiff i ddnt remember enuff t post in this blog.
u laugh at evrything xD
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