School's OK mom, nothing special so far, or shall I say as usual [convo: fiction]
Well, on Sunday I 'finished' my Maths h/w at 3:30AM, a record. In the actual lesson I fell asleep for a minute and Griffin didn't notice. I even wrote with my head on the table, my handwriting like a child's scribbles. I thought the day was horrible, though I don't know why. I first talked with Fajar when I went in the Boys' Block with him; he showed me Gokudera's Ring of Storm which I gawked at. I had to lift my head up high to see him. We talked as if we haven't been separated for nearly a month.He didn't look at me at all though. Home was boring because I couldn't force myself to study. Oh, and the weather is effin freezing. I keep shivering every morning.
Monday's much better. I felt bad for not doing any chemistry revision so I immediately started past papers in the lesson. Physics gets harder and harder every time - I sincerely thank God it's on the 13/14th. There's too much equations to learn and the freakin questions are never interpretable for me so I never know which to use T___T On the bright side, I saw Umar in the Tech Block bathroom grabbing tissues. HIEK. Fajar gave me the Ring of Storm in the morning, we didn't say a word to each other and again he didn't look at me. Why?! I miss his old haircut. I wore the ring on my ring finger all day. He has the Ring of Cloud by the way :D [lol that rhymed]. We talked the most on our way out the Boys' Block together. I haven't heard him say my name in a month. Things like that don't worry me anymore though... I think.
After school we had primary activity. I find this hour of the week one of the most refreshing, although today it lacked numbers. I continuously teased Hamzah and made him wear my paper origami ring which he kept turning away from me whenever he tried it on. In the end he threw it on the ground, which I then had to pick up. Ugh! Is that how you treat a girl?! I found the session amusing though. Afterwards Umar appeared and actually, his haircut isn't so bad at all. He still looks totally dreamy. I asked him to play Semua Tentang Kita and it sounded nice to hear your favourite song being played by your favourite fandom. It was too fast and had lots of mistakes though. In the car, me, Hamzah, Dhea and Tante Ita were amused by the provided music.
I regret that I didn't study when I got home. I think I'll make up to it by turning on the laptop after Maghrib tomorrow. Instead, I chatted with Fajar after a long time waiting for him to say something. It feels like I did more than chat but I don't think I facebooked much.
He remembers such a minor and forgettable thing like that! How could he 0.0 I thought he wouldn't take in that compliment at all when I said it, but from September 'til now he still keeps it in his memory. I didn't even know he listened.
Oh yeah, I had a photoshoot with my wooden hand model for nearly an hour. When I got back my MSN was loaded, especially with Fajar's screaming. I was inspired to take a picture of my Vongola Ring and suddenly ideas sprang into my head and I implemented them in my lovely wardrobe. Here's a pic..
Well, before aho ushi went to bed at 7:30 due to jetlag, I helped him make a Facebook. He was so dumb about everything and obviously kept joking so I was enticed to keep the convo going because it made me smile. My mom was again complaining about how I'm not studying so stop chatting now Syania! OK mom sorry.
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