It was an OK Friday. Could've been better, but at least I had some fun. It will never beat the 9th so I'm not bothered to go into extreme details :D
Evening & Night
Went to Aspire at 7AM and stayed there til 10AM. It was longer than I expected but nothing special happened at all. Rollerbladed 'til the edge of the lake [padahal I wanted to keep going] with Indira, DnF, Dasa and Nisa, taking pictures in the process too and then watched the males play football. It was so muddy and the squishy feeling was ew x__x;; Later on the females set up a picnic but I didn't feel like eating so I skated aaaaall the way round Aspire [not the Aspire park, the parts with the stadiums]. I took some pictures but the view wasn't really spectacular. I passed the boys and when I looked at them Fajar was the first to spot me and then Iwan pointed and spoke but I was listening to music - he asked where the others were and I said that I was rollerblading around alone and he was like I was asking about the others, not you. How stabbing. But well, he's right. The rollerblading-alone session was peaceful by the way, and I liked it. When I got to the picnic Farah called me an emo and I snapped at her. I'm often alone and she points it out now? I laid down on the grass under the tree and stared at the sky. Then I strode over to the picnic place and saw Fajar's earmuffs and it was cute. I saw duck pics from DnF's DSLR and went up to Hamzah who was with the kids, inviting him to take more with my camera. He's the only one I wanna talk to when I feel lonely. Well, Fajar too, but he has his own problems. When we started to walk off to the lake Tante Ita called out to him to not go so far so he went back. Afterwards he told me something critical that I already know about but don't really care, 'cause the impressions he told me were all false and negative. You're not supposed to have prasangka buruk about anyone. Before going home I stood next to the kids and felt Fajar walking towards me, though it was a mere guess. After a while I turned to my right to face him and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up because of God knows why. Again, it was a friendly thing to do but I smiled weakly. Nevertheless, we began walking to the car park together and he showed me his bracelet that says 'Sex pot', which apparently his mother bought, and talked about other stuff. It was a short period of time, but I appreciate it. When his car was leaving he looked at me through the window and I waved and he waved back. I found that something he doesn't do very often thus savoured the memory.
Evening & Night
We all went outside at 4:15 and hung in front of Nisa's house. I took videos so all I can say is that we talked about fart and how cold it was so we should hug each other and stuff. I told Umar about my 'song lyrics' and insisted him and Fajar to read it on the way to the Musholla at Maghrib. Fajar was uninterested because he mocked about how he bets it's romantic and all - well he's wrong. This weekend he is especially glued to Umair-sama and much apart from myself so that made me reach a theory: When something is wrong with Fajar that is sudden, which results in him jauh2ing me, he hangs out excessively with Umar. And it's happened before. Anyway, me CC and Nisa watched Phineas and Ferb videos in YouTube at my house and I told Fajar the song lyric and I never knew what he wanted to say 'cause he went off. Later on I visited his house to ask Iwan for a vid and Fajar showed me his Obama x Gundam army and it caused me to think things are OK. But it's not. I asked him about the lyric and he said 'ga ko', stuff like that. We went to Nisa's house and ate mie and chicken, Hamzah came in when he was meant to be outside but he stayed a bit, us watching Suite Life on Deck. It was hilarious, 'cause one of the characters were mirip Arif Zakwan. I laughed too hard XD Soon I went home and went over to Fajar's again to return his Gundam 00 CDs. There was Umar and Khalid apparently. I decided to take the guys over there and Nisa, Farah, CC and Hamzah played Hotel 626 [with no SFX, meh], Fajar afraid and lazy to join, so the rest Guitar Hero-ed and Dynasty Warrior-ed. But once me and Fajar played KHR together and it was sooooo funny, I kept jumping across a pit backwards and forwards with Gokudera and we laughed hard. Even aho ushi. When I used Xanxus I beat that boy and stated the evil wrath of Xanxus .scary. Iwan came back from outside and I peeked to hear Afdal and the others play basketball. Soon everyone started scrambling out to the court, and there goes another session of BB. Hamzah played this time laughs. No comment. It lasted 'til 9:30, CC was gone by then. Since I has videos I don't bother typing about it. I laughed and talked and joked with ef ay jay ay ar who kept holding the pump when basketball was over and everything felt fine. But on my, Iwan and Fajar's way home, he told me things that made me feel unpleasant about, and the next day in KAIFA everything felt wrong again.
2 replies:
wait. cuman jalan berdua sama hamzah?
wktu k lake itu?
yea, i wsnt rele noticing
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