I has been tagged by the evil that is Adam
and now I have to write 10 things about him...
- He has too much hair
- He's a clown (Y)
- Whenever he wants to make me laugh I don't, whenever he doesn't I do :D
- He wears his bag high up... I think
- He has more than 10 fangirls
- All of his time-telling devices aren't set to the right time
- His mobile is black and Sony Ericsson
- He eats cereal in front of his laptop
- He says Carisa is nicer than me
- He didn't go to the year9 campout 'cause he was afraid he'd get surrounded by his fangirls
Now I tag Matar, Hamzah, Cania, Adam and Dhe3 (Y).
It would be nice if you guys do it but you don't have to.
It would be nice if you guys do it but you don't have to.
6 replies:
oh i hast been tagged.
uh, thank you o.o
ure welcome (Y)
bs, you no tag me? oww :P
wth none of his fan girls from yr 9 came to the camp out lol lol
HAHA dia mana tau lah
@dhia:- sorry i only tag th more active bloggers xD
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