it's been a while since I blogged huh? What, nearly a month [I set this entry date to 9th April though, but it's 2nd of May now] And the last entry was so depressing. Well now that I've changed concerning the Fajar factors, I don't think you'll find such pathetic content [about him] anymore.
Stuff That Happened In the Last Week of Term 2 [05-09 April]
Despite having problems concerning the boy mentioned up there, I managed to have a decent last week. There were no activities however T~T On the 8th of April it was the Talent Show was it? When I found out Umar wasn't playing I was so sad D: Some of the people were good especially Jana's sister and Salsa and Matar and Lavinia of course. On Thursday there was a Chemistry test but it didn't feel like a test at all - we even brought the paper home LOL. Eh, what else... can't remember.
On Tuesday something so embarassing happened. I mentioned it in the depressing entry but I wanna type it in detail now. It was after school and we were talkin about DBSK and I was fawning over -insert name here-. Then Dhe3 and Cania said that you can't compare DBSK with him. After that I spontaneously said 'Bs masih suka -insert name here-' [as in, fandom] and I looked straight ahead and found the dude looking back and we locked eyes for a bit and then I got EXTREMELY embarassed. But it was so funny. Matar and Indira were there too. I told them to go to the area where the person was standing on and I repeated the phrase and they told me that they could hear me PERFECTLY. Oh shit -___-;; Well, it was memorable xD
Ah, I think sometime in the week, Wednesday was it? Afterschool Hamzah was really angry. Very irate [if that word fits into this context]. He complained about so many things very seriously and stuff. Cania was there too. I gawked and all I said about his rant was 'Whoa Hamzah is sexy when he's angry' HAHAHAHAHAHA. Or did I say cool? Hmmmh. Yeah.
Well since the Isynas were going the next day I thought I should play outside with them and I did. It was only me, Fadhli, Umar and Hamzah. Well I was with Hamzah mostly of course but they stuck around. I showed them the kids' hideouts and they were really cool. When me and Hamzah went to Ms.Dagher's garden to take pics of flowers they even followed us LOLOL. Honestly I didn't ajak anyone to go out 'cause I'm solo when it comes to playing outside now. I told Hamzah the embarassing story before we had to part~ And that was it.
I already mentioned Thursday up there but something happened at night. When I went to DnF's to mingle with Matar I had a very good time despite feeling a tad lonely beforehand. We laughed at so many things 'til our stomachs hurted and we cried [did we?]. Dhea and Matar's arts were really good 8) I then actually went over to Fajar's to say sorry to him. Ah, I was really nervous and my heart was beating so fast. I rang his bell and he opened the door and I said sorry and selamat jalan and bla3. He smiled, you know. A teeth-showing smile. Well we talked for a few minutes and I said bye and we waved and the end. I thought all would be good. Hmmh. Kinda went downhill at night. That's all.
Oh and I have to admit, I was already missing the twins. XD
5 replies:
i must say i do not approve of that poo-related word there i see
and i surely did not know the events of the last part of this entry. @_@
who cares im ur mother u havta accept it.
well now u kno
this entry is so old
you remind me of dhea days
ah the days
*ok pointless comment*
th ntry is new bt th days r old.
very pointless.
The Isynas had to go? ;A; I'll miss them.
Well, Ali and maybe Salman.
But not sure about the twins, not that I hate them or anything. =u=;
It's a tough week.
For me, too. :( I'll... write... in... my... blog... about... my... sadness.
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