I laughed very hard today.
In Chemistry, they talked about cows and fart and I'm sensitive to that word so I hid my face in my arms and laughed long and quietly like I won't tomorrow. 'Cause well, I don't prefer to.
I got embarassed today.
I made the biggest and loudest mistake ever and dwelled on its possible impacts but found the entire incident amusing.
I am sad today.
It just gets worse every hour. I don't cry, I don't complain, I don't talk to anyone about it. I keep it to myself. Just me and my heart. Which is why sometimes I can feel the knife stab better. It's a bit painful. A bit.
I realised a despairing fact today.
It's April, isn't it? The 7th of April. I have around 3 more months left to live in this country; to add more little pieces of joy into my story. I hate the way time flies. It feels like it's February, one of the best months so far this year, but it's not, it's 2 months later than that... The end is nearing... and I hate that.
I missed someone today.
And the day before and the day before that. I will miss someone tomorrow too, and the day after and the day after that...It stings when I see that particular face and knowing I'll be apart from it and my other friends for an entire week. An entire week of memory-making that will be lost...
what did you say?
you didn't say that, it was like 3 syllables
i like you
i like you
oh, thanks, i like you too
i like you
yeah, i know
will it be any different?
5 replies:
the dialog with the i like you stuff is too cute D:
D: D:
i wish i could cheer you up more, i've been busy with art n the talent show things -.-
please be a bit happier
u kno u kno bs..
if im sad, i think about a bundle of crap with wings i dunno why lalalalala
hha i kno rite matar (:
thank u very much, im trying
ahh.. idk.. i wish i am
thanks too
when im sad i prank people,
because it makes me happy.
and I eat gummy bears too, when im sad. but i don't cry, like most people do, when they're sad.
ure evil
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