Monday 13th April .
Well I've never stayed in Makkah for more than 2 days but we are this year so I was really bored. I didn't touch my homework, not even my bag [except when after Dad used it when he went to Gua Hira T__T I really wanted to go but Mom's like Mom so she didn't let me]. Speaking of Mom, she suddenly invited me to go down to Bin Dawood [our family laughs at that supermarket] and I was like 'With who?' and she said 'Tante Siwi' and I went 'Cuman Tante Siwi doank, ga mau' and then she said 'Ya sama anaknya lah' so I reconsidered. And decided to go. Apparently they told me Cania's doing her homework/off to the Masjid so it was just me, Ocha and Mom.
Downstairs we found Tante Tati and my hopes were sort of crushed at that point. Then after a few minutes I saw bald Iwan and Tante Siwi and... some dude next to her walking over. I was stupid and squinted and wondered Who is that? but as soon as they were a few metres in front of us I 'discovered' that it was Fajar. He had a haircut... And I think he looked more handsome and mature. If I told him this he'd say I'm lying. Anyway he just stood there as Iwan went over to me and we talked, then after 5 minutes or so Fajar came over too. We were already joking and laughing together, it was great =D They told me about how Iwan's head feels like an alien and when I used my abaya to rub my hand on it it felt SO ALIEN-Y and ick. But it was fun in a way. I also talked about my weird dream of living in a poor rock house and when I went to the bathroom I saw spiders and hit them and they turned into ceramic. I also had a dream that I played video games with Khalid and then Fajar said 'Yeah and with Adam too' and I was like wtf where'd he come from? After that we got dragged to the Hilton entrance area place and the mothers just sat down and I was like what are we doing here? so I decided to go to Nisa's room. I had to actually beg Fajar [and Iwan?] to come along with me. Well they should have been thankful they did 'cause we had a lot of fun.
Just when we reached the elevator Nisa appeared! I think Iwan called her already. I don't know how but we went in the elevator and I isengly pressed the 21st floor or 17th or something - it was the highest. When the doors opened we found a really narrow alleyway with grey walls and a red carpet with small windows and an elevator to the right end and absolutely nothing on the left... besides a door and a big window overlooking a lame view. We just hung around in there for like 15 minutes acting stupid. I forgot what we talked about but I remember something about pandas. We wanted to go back downstairs but the main elevator was SO SLOW and there was no screen thingy to show which floor the moving box is in -___-;; Therefore we just waited. However there was that other elevator and when it opened the view was of outside. I looked down through the slits between the elevator floor and the carpet and it was hella creepy. I suggested we utilise that one instead but it only went down 'til the 6th floor. I stepped back out, but when the elevator opened again I urged to go back in again too but then Fajar like, stuck his arm out in front of my abdomen to stop me from going in. Anyway, we ended up electrifying ourselves with the elevator button and each other's shirts. It was so stupid. Alas when the elevator came we were cheering, I think, and went back down, talking and enjoying ourselves, the way we should.
Andin was to be invited, apparently. I had no thoughts of the Isynas ever coming, honest. Not that I didn't want them to come, I just wasn't hoping anything. But then I saw Fajar with his phone and I asked who he was smsing and when he said Umar I perked up. I immediately told him to invite them over. I think he had a sour expression his face and said Why do you want Umar to come? but obviously I wanted to see all of them, not just Umar. Andin appeared already I think. Fajar had difficulty reaching the raging skull so I decided to sms Hamzah but it didn't send. After a while Fajar stood up and started walking away towards Bin Dawood and when I saw the faces of the Isynas I could've sworn I smiled like, naturally. Hamzah told me at school about that one day that yeah, he could see that. Anty came later too.
Well spontaneously I started blabbering away to Hamzah of course, about what he's been doing and normal stuff. We also took pictures and speaking of that, I want them. Hmmh, this was when I noticed that Fajar started to become quiet, but I quite ignored it 'cause I wanted to spend more time with Hamzah now that he finally came. After a while we decided to buy ice cream and this was when 'The Ice Cream Story' happened although I don't want to type it here. I will not forget such a memory. But amongst that scene, I remember when I asked Fajar about my ice cream and he threw his money at me and said 'Beli sendiri'. Why so cold? *say it in the Why So Serious? way* Ah, he shows his grudge towards me too explicitly. Anyhow it wasn't that long 'til the Isynas had to go home, but the others and myself went upstairs to indulge ourselves in Burger King treats. I felt really relieved.
I seriously recall ordering chicken fries but when I went to sit down and asked Fajar if he bought it and then checked in the bag myself, I didn't get one - just him and Nisa. Gosh, what was up with that dude? I didn't let it bother me though, instead, me, Nisa, Andin and Iwan had such a hilarious time talking together. The little guy was quiet the whole time. Towards the end however I noticed he was holding his phone. Suddenly I heard a voice and I turned round to find Indira and I was so glad to see her. It was nearly Zuhur though so we couldn't hang around much. Before parting I asked Fajar who he was sms-ing and he bluntly said 'Farah' and if I didn't change I would've been upset but when I heard that I was sorta surprised and kinda angry. 'Cause like, why her? Despite that, I managed to shout goodbye to him and Iwan as they walked away but only Iwan and Tante Siwi swivelled their heads.
Back at the hotel after praying, me and Ocha raided Cania's room and stayed there 'til Asar, I think, watching Super Junior khekhieke. I don't think anything interesting happened after that.
Well I've never stayed in Makkah for more than 2 days but we are this year so I was really bored. I didn't touch my homework, not even my bag [except when after Dad used it when he went to Gua Hira T__T I really wanted to go but Mom's like Mom so she didn't let me]. Speaking of Mom, she suddenly invited me to go down to Bin Dawood [our family laughs at that supermarket] and I was like 'With who?' and she said 'Tante Siwi' and I went 'Cuman Tante Siwi doank, ga mau' and then she said 'Ya sama anaknya lah' so I reconsidered. And decided to go. Apparently they told me Cania's doing her homework/off to the Masjid so it was just me, Ocha and Mom.
Downstairs we found Tante Tati and my hopes were sort of crushed at that point. Then after a few minutes I saw bald Iwan and Tante Siwi and... some dude next to her walking over. I was stupid and squinted and wondered Who is that? but as soon as they were a few metres in front of us I 'discovered' that it was Fajar. He had a haircut... And I think he looked more handsome and mature. If I told him this he'd say I'm lying. Anyway he just stood there as Iwan went over to me and we talked, then after 5 minutes or so Fajar came over too. We were already joking and laughing together, it was great =D They told me about how Iwan's head feels like an alien and when I used my abaya to rub my hand on it it felt SO ALIEN-Y and ick. But it was fun in a way. I also talked about my weird dream of living in a poor rock house and when I went to the bathroom I saw spiders and hit them and they turned into ceramic. I also had a dream that I played video games with Khalid and then Fajar said 'Yeah and with Adam too' and I was like wtf where'd he come from? After that we got dragged to the Hilton entrance area place and the mothers just sat down and I was like what are we doing here? so I decided to go to Nisa's room. I had to actually beg Fajar [and Iwan?] to come along with me. Well they should have been thankful they did 'cause we had a lot of fun.
Just when we reached the elevator Nisa appeared! I think Iwan called her already. I don't know how but we went in the elevator and I isengly pressed the 21st floor or 17th or something - it was the highest. When the doors opened we found a really narrow alleyway with grey walls and a red carpet with small windows and an elevator to the right end and absolutely nothing on the left... besides a door and a big window overlooking a lame view. We just hung around in there for like 15 minutes acting stupid. I forgot what we talked about but I remember something about pandas. We wanted to go back downstairs but the main elevator was SO SLOW and there was no screen thingy to show which floor the moving box is in -___-;; Therefore we just waited. However there was that other elevator and when it opened the view was of outside. I looked down through the slits between the elevator floor and the carpet and it was hella creepy. I suggested we utilise that one instead but it only went down 'til the 6th floor. I stepped back out, but when the elevator opened again I urged to go back in again too but then Fajar like, stuck his arm out in front of my abdomen to stop me from going in. Anyway, we ended up electrifying ourselves with the elevator button and each other's shirts. It was so stupid. Alas when the elevator came we were cheering, I think, and went back down, talking and enjoying ourselves, the way we should.
Andin was to be invited, apparently. I had no thoughts of the Isynas ever coming, honest. Not that I didn't want them to come, I just wasn't hoping anything. But then I saw Fajar with his phone and I asked who he was smsing and when he said Umar I perked up. I immediately told him to invite them over. I think he had a sour expression his face and said Why do you want Umar to come? but obviously I wanted to see all of them, not just Umar. Andin appeared already I think. Fajar had difficulty reaching the raging skull so I decided to sms Hamzah but it didn't send. After a while Fajar stood up and started walking away towards Bin Dawood and when I saw the faces of the Isynas I could've sworn I smiled like, naturally. Hamzah told me at school about that one day that yeah, he could see that. Anty came later too.
Well spontaneously I started blabbering away to Hamzah of course, about what he's been doing and normal stuff. We also took pictures and speaking of that, I want them. Hmmh, this was when I noticed that Fajar started to become quiet, but I quite ignored it 'cause I wanted to spend more time with Hamzah now that he finally came. After a while we decided to buy ice cream and this was when 'The Ice Cream Story' happened although I don't want to type it here. I will not forget such a memory. But amongst that scene, I remember when I asked Fajar about my ice cream and he threw his money at me and said 'Beli sendiri'. Why so cold? *say it in the Why So Serious? way* Ah, he shows his grudge towards me too explicitly. Anyhow it wasn't that long 'til the Isynas had to go home, but the others and myself went upstairs to indulge ourselves in Burger King treats. I felt really relieved.
I seriously recall ordering chicken fries but when I went to sit down and asked Fajar if he bought it and then checked in the bag myself, I didn't get one - just him and Nisa. Gosh, what was up with that dude? I didn't let it bother me though, instead, me, Nisa, Andin and Iwan had such a hilarious time talking together. The little guy was quiet the whole time. Towards the end however I noticed he was holding his phone. Suddenly I heard a voice and I turned round to find Indira and I was so glad to see her. It was nearly Zuhur though so we couldn't hang around much. Before parting I asked Fajar who he was sms-ing and he bluntly said 'Farah' and if I didn't change I would've been upset but when I heard that I was sorta surprised and kinda angry. 'Cause like, why her? Despite that, I managed to shout goodbye to him and Iwan as they walked away but only Iwan and Tante Siwi swivelled their heads.
Back at the hotel after praying, me and Ocha raided Cania's room and stayed there 'til Asar, I think, watching Super Junior khekhieke. I don't think anything interesting happened after that.
If you read this entire entry, I thank you ~
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