Friday 10th April - Friday 17th April 2009
Friday . Well I woke up with bad thoughts of yesterday but I put it aside 'cause in the car I couldn't sleep and decided to watch DBSK dramas instead 8) It wasn't until Zuhur that I stopped my iPoding, I was such a bad girl for not doing my homework when I had the chance -__-;; Since a car trip is a car trip, nothing happened at all. Oh yes I forgot to mention that only Cania was with me; Andin, Nisa and Galih were in their own ... group D: We reached Taif at Maghrib and the hotel was the one I went to last year, the one with the asylum looking place ['cause it was white inside]. I think today was the day I started to think of... ...more.
Saturday . We apparently met up with the others in that Miqat place which the weird road signs kept spelling as 'Megat' [me and Ocha continuously laughed at that]. I muttered that Labbaik thing [I forgot the proper term] throughout the hour and I was quite amazed at myself 'cause I think I slept last time and wasn't doing it properly the other 4/5x ... I am so mature now. When we reached Makkah I discovered that ONLY me and Cania were in Intercon, everyone else was in Hilton. I was srsly upset, but oh well we got nicer beds and a cooler elevator. I was hoping to be in the same hotel so we could meet easier and more often D; I didn't get to touch the Hajar Aswad this year. But I already did last year alhamdulillah 8) It was a good Umrah and I didn't get tired. I prayed about me and Fajar a LOT. But oddly enough I didn't really miss him. When that was done we ate fail!KFC 'cause they only had original chicken. So lame. By the way me and Cania kept looking around whenever we go to the Masjid just incase we see anyone, hehe.
Sunday . I don't think we did anything special today, but me, Ocha and Cania have been speculating Exploration of the Human Body. I think I started to notice Donghae from Super Junior at that point, but it wasn't extreme yet. I just thought he was cute. Oh and I believe we went to Zamzam Tower and saw Salsa, not the person I was hoping for. Or was that yesterday? The elevator scared me. Oh yeah, I also got into a habit of saying 'are you serious' 8D and I was really addicted to Sorry, Sorry - that's Ocha's fault. At night after Maghrib we found Nisa and Tante Lisna outside. We went over to her room, it was such a long and complicated way @@;; Our room was a lot better khiehkekhe.
I typed about Monday in the next entry simply 'cause it's srsly way too long to be put in here.
6 replies:
when i saw you header i was like "wait whose blog is this? wee i like the icons"
and when i saw your name i was like GASP SYANIA
theyre nt icons theyre pictures xD
wts so GASP? i wnder if u even read hmmh
Yes, elevators can be rather frightening.
Ur wishes do come true, right? Well, anyways, stay faithful and work hard and brush your teeth and they just might come true. :D
Anon wasn't me, if u didn't know...
default theme FTL [this time its for the loss]
gasp ur suppose 2 boycott KFC n u ate it IN THE HOLY CIY?? tisk tisk
wts so FTL abt a default theme?
mehh i cnt boycott kfc its impossible
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