Most of my pictures were blurry -__-;;
Well, so far my prayers haven't been answered. April is a total mess - hurt/sadness mixed with happiness here and there. At least I wasn't RAGING though. I find that worse. This entry talks about the more joyful things. Depressed one later.
I could've sworn there was something memorable in Chemistry on Wednesday the 1st but I can't remember anymore .__. I was talking to Hamzah after-school as usual and Fajar saw that and popped in next to him and then we finally had a casual talk - bet he was jealous. I was forced to go to Maths 'cause I suck at Chapter 10 and Griffin wanted me to be there. I sat on the same table with Haya, Lara and Ahmed Almeer, and he helped me with some of the questions. He's such a friendly guy. The ones that went home at 2 was only me and Umar *toeng. He was still inside the Masjid when I reached and didn't come out 'til the car came .__. Inside, I was already wearing my seatbelt and eating pizza; I watched Umar walk out of the gate when I saw this flick of white and Umar started bending down and bustling about. Then me and Tante Ita found out that his papers were flying due to the intense wind and I realised the flick of white was one of them. Since I was eating pizza it took me a while to run out of the car and chase his paper, but tante Ita beat me to it. Oh yeah, when one of the sheets was flying, Umar jumped a little to catch it and it was SO DAMN CUTE.
Thursday was major lol. In Physics there was some joke going around about somebody farting and even the windows were opened. In Chemistry we tried to pull the prank on Parry but he didn't fall for it at all! Yacout sat on the whoopee cushion and it BROKE and I laughed so hard even Jozali told him about it, mentioning my name. Abdellah used tape to fix it XD Then suddenly Akkad and Abbas started making farting noises with their ARMS and OMG you wouldn't believe how hard we ALL laughed. 'Cept Doniaji [he is immune to the class' stupidity]. And Fathy and Almeer, I think. I even cried 'cause of all that and laughed for more than 3 minutes. Ah, good times, good times. After school I had Badminton and it was so sepi o-o Some Yr12 dudes came in randomly to watch us and play a bit. I sucked and got tired easily and kept watching Hamzah's twin brother TEEHEE. That's basically it.
There was the Green Guitar on Friday but I no longer anticipated it; reasons can be found in the depressed entry [D.E.] next. Well in the morning at Aspire it awesomely rained and I loved it so much but I got really wet [and that sounds wrong]. Me and Indira walked together around the park and trespassed in the construction area of the extended lake *-* Umar with wet hair is kinda weird - Hamzah's too. At home I did lame lonely laptop stuff but at around 3 I went outside just to cool off. I also FINALLY rode a bike [it was tiring though]; for the past week I've been too chicken - I was afraid of falling... Haha.
GG was great! =D I had more fun than I expected, which wasn't much. Something extremely embarassing happened but that will also be put in the D.E. In the first few performances I just stood next to Cania and Indira and watched and furiously took pictures but when the unknown people came I stopped. I ate 3 pizzas and was able to converse with Hamzah 'cause he was behind us, despite him mentioning how he wasn't supposed to mingle. The Arab singer with the 'noodle hair' [as Fajar later said in the car] was horrible and I have no idea why his mates accepted him. I sometimes looked for aho-ushi even though we weren't talking. I was worried about praying so me, Cania and Hamzah decided to rush to the Masjid together - and it started raining! Some men at the gate told us about how women aren't allowed to pray in there but we did anyway. It was so dark and scary. We speed-walked back [and I was way faster than you OK Hamzah] but I got to enjoy the pouring water too. When we came back it was near the end and they FINALLY had good vocals. But a smaller audience. Overall it was a fun night and I thank Hamzah and Cania for mingling with me throughout (:
The car was really full. OK anyway after that me and Carisa went to my house and we had such a hilarious time. Mostly 'cause of Lovin' You, The Wonders of Eyes, US Presidents and Hamzah pictures. My body was aching and all the energy I carried drained out 'cause of it so when I went to DnF's I slept on the couch for a while before deciding to go home and fall into the bed. I haven't slept at 10pm in a looooong time. I woke up in the darkness and my stomach was dying so I traveled to the toilet, looked at my watch and found out it was 12:55AM. WHOAAA I ****TED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!
Saturday was awful. Just wait for the next entry if you wanna know the sheer misery I felt.
I could've sworn there was something memorable in Chemistry on Wednesday the 1st but I can't remember anymore .__. I was talking to Hamzah after-school as usual and Fajar saw that and popped in next to him and then we finally had a casual talk - bet he was jealous. I was forced to go to Maths 'cause I suck at Chapter 10 and Griffin wanted me to be there. I sat on the same table with Haya, Lara and Ahmed Almeer, and he helped me with some of the questions. He's such a friendly guy. The ones that went home at 2 was only me and Umar *toeng. He was still inside the Masjid when I reached and didn't come out 'til the car came .__. Inside, I was already wearing my seatbelt and eating pizza; I watched Umar walk out of the gate when I saw this flick of white and Umar started bending down and bustling about. Then me and Tante Ita found out that his papers were flying due to the intense wind and I realised the flick of white was one of them. Since I was eating pizza it took me a while to run out of the car and chase his paper, but tante Ita beat me to it. Oh yeah, when one of the sheets was flying, Umar jumped a little to catch it and it was SO DAMN CUTE.
Thursday was major lol. In Physics there was some joke going around about somebody farting and even the windows were opened. In Chemistry we tried to pull the prank on Parry but he didn't fall for it at all! Yacout sat on the whoopee cushion and it BROKE and I laughed so hard even Jozali told him about it, mentioning my name. Abdellah used tape to fix it XD Then suddenly Akkad and Abbas started making farting noises with their ARMS and OMG you wouldn't believe how hard we ALL laughed. 'Cept Doniaji [he is immune to the class' stupidity]. And Fathy and Almeer, I think. I even cried 'cause of all that and laughed for more than 3 minutes. Ah, good times, good times. After school I had Badminton and it was so sepi o-o Some Yr12 dudes came in randomly to watch us and play a bit. I sucked and got tired easily and kept watching Hamzah's twin brother TEEHEE. That's basically it.
There was the Green Guitar on Friday but I no longer anticipated it; reasons can be found in the depressed entry [D.E.] next. Well in the morning at Aspire it awesomely rained and I loved it so much but I got really wet [and that sounds wrong]. Me and Indira walked together around the park and trespassed in the construction area of the extended lake *-* Umar with wet hair is kinda weird - Hamzah's too. At home I did lame lonely laptop stuff but at around 3 I went outside just to cool off. I also FINALLY rode a bike [it was tiring though]; for the past week I've been too chicken - I was afraid of falling... Haha.
GG was great! =D I had more fun than I expected, which wasn't much. Something extremely embarassing happened but that will also be put in the D.E. In the first few performances I just stood next to Cania and Indira and watched and furiously took pictures but when the unknown people came I stopped. I ate 3 pizzas and was able to converse with Hamzah 'cause he was behind us, despite him mentioning how he wasn't supposed to mingle. The Arab singer with the 'noodle hair' [as Fajar later said in the car] was horrible and I have no idea why his mates accepted him. I sometimes looked for aho-ushi even though we weren't talking. I was worried about praying so me, Cania and Hamzah decided to rush to the Masjid together - and it started raining! Some men at the gate told us about how women aren't allowed to pray in there but we did anyway. It was so dark and scary. We speed-walked back [and I was way faster than you OK Hamzah] but I got to enjoy the pouring water too. When we came back it was near the end and they FINALLY had good vocals. But a smaller audience. Overall it was a fun night and I thank Hamzah and Cania for mingling with me throughout (:
The car was really full. OK anyway after that me and Carisa went to my house and we had such a hilarious time. Mostly 'cause of Lovin' You, The Wonders of Eyes, US Presidents and Hamzah pictures. My body was aching and all the energy I carried drained out 'cause of it so when I went to DnF's I slept on the couch for a while before deciding to go home and fall into the bed. I haven't slept at 10pm in a looooong time. I woke up in the darkness and my stomach was dying so I traveled to the toilet, looked at my watch and found out it was 12:55AM. WHOAAA I ****TED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!
Saturday was awful. Just wait for the next entry if you wanna know the sheer misery I felt.
1 replies:
I wanted to go to the Green Guitar, but a part of me won't let me go buy the tickets. TT.TT
And I wasn't lazy, btw.
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