Is it just me or is blogger srsly gay in Internet Explorer?
Tuesday 14th April .
I instantly went to bed and slept but woke up at 11 to sholat Isya and Maghrib hehe. That's when I remembered Mystery 6 which is a horror show starring Super Junior [and Donghae as the main character! (x] which we watched at Makkah. I started to imagine ghosts and those long haired spirits. Ugh I was scaring myself. When I finished praying I turned around and came face to face with a MIRROR and you know how my mukena was bright yellow? Yeah, it was white on the mirror and so I FREAKIN THOUGHT IT WAS A GHOST. Gosh, I had a heart attack. Since I was way too scared I didn't change into my PJs and just went back to bed immediately.
Wednesday . Jeddah was amusing but today we had to go to Madinah. The trip didn't take long thank God but I slept anyway xD I woke up towards the end of a trip and was still sleepy, eating Flaming Hot chips, when suddenly we landed in front of the Intercon and that's when I saw a familiar family walking closely beside our car. It was the Isynas. I will not say any embarassing things about how I felt at that stage. I could say I was a lot more awake though. I did signal talk with Hamzah concerning my sms and before they left after talking to my parents I saw Hamzah take out his phone. Ah, I thought I wasn't going to see them again but then mom told me we're in the same hotel so I believed we had a chance. We saw them in their car later when me and Cania and Ocha went to our cars to get our stuff. By the way have I told you that Turkish people disturb me? I mean like, why are all the women fat? And they all look the same. So anyway then we found out the others were in Movenpick. Our room was srsly awesome 'cause it had 3 beds and puffy pillows [but not square ones] PLUS it had a connecting door to Cania's ;D So we were able to easily transfer ourselves to each other's rooms whenever we wanna play. At night or something we finally finished watching Mystery 6 and amused ourselves with EHB afterwards. By the way, I got really obsessed with Donghae already at that point. Whenever we weren't in Cania's room me and Ocha would play my old Ice Cream Globe game... I had a good night sleep.
This Umrah tale will end in the next entry, OK?
6 replies:
i like this entry because it has something about me -bighead-
if thts all u havta say abt my ntries then i ban u from cmmenting anymore.
God, i wish i was there.
I would be like this lunatic
or something
i laughs at your comment about turkish people seriously.
thank u for bein amused.
dd u read th II ntry tho hmmh?
yes, sadly u wernt ther
*i am commenting abt the comments
"if thats all u hav t say abt mi entries then i ban u from commenting anymore"
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