Title edited from Bowling for Soup's 'High School Never Ends' =p I only listened to that song once and never did again. LAUGHS.
So, this is my entry about the 7 years I've spent in Qatar International School, the school I've stayed in the longest, the school where I watched people come and go, the school where loads of significant memories happened. Beware it's going to be long, and I think none of you know most of what I'm going to type below. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed remembering it =p *LOL I sound like an author.
Year 6
I remember wearing those hideous pinafores. I also wore socks up to my knees. Jozali and Yacout were new kids like me. My first friend was Maduka aka Madusa, and not long after that I met Leila and we became the best of friends. Simply because one day I was drawing Cardcaptor Sakura in breaktime and Leila went over and asked 'You know CCS?' and I said 'Yeah' and we started talking. People used to gather around me 'cause I drew. Me, Madusa, Leila and another girl called Hanan were a group and we called ourselves BCGFF, aka Best Cool Girl Friends Forever. It was the gayest thing I've ever been a part of but we realised that in year 8. Quran and Arabic were the funniest times, we called Touseef a frog 'cause he kept hopping in class and I always got in trouble. I think Tahan aka Nashasheebi now threw a pen at us once. Whenever there's Arabic A me and the Arabic C gang go to Year 1 to help out. I also found my 'twin', Feras, he had the same birthday as me and was only 3 hours younger. He was a huge pervert, I remember when Ms. Waller left the class he stood on the desk and started dancing and talking about pen15es. He got in trouble and cried after Woodhouse scolded him. He was also the one that taught me what sex is. We were really good friends. I think one time he hit me with a ruler and I nearly cried, it was so dumb. I was close with people called Soraya, Leila, Maduka, Danial, Feras and Zored. I forgot who else. I'd write some more sentences but I'll stop there =\
Year 7
Me and Leila were in the same tutor group and became even closer. I think in my 1st English lesson we had to do this elevator drama and that's where I met Rula, my 2nd best friend in junior high. She wasn't shy at all and was such a good actress. After a while me, Leila and Rula became a trio and every birthday, Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha we would give each other presents. ALWAYS. But I hardly bought things, I always made them with my own hands, like this paper notebook I made for Leila that I designed myself. My friendship with them is the closest I've ever felt to ones in TV [girl ones, that is]. By the way, this year I liked Danial, but I didn't tell anyone.
Year 8
The difference from last year was that we had 3 new people called Mizah, Amanda and Jennifer, plus it was a lot more social and fun. We became close with Mizah 'cause of what me and Leila did in Arabic. We learned the word 'pin' in arabic, which was dabbabah, and the plural was dababees. You do NOT know how much we laughed at that word. It really was the funniest arabic word I've heard. One day Mizah sat in front of us and Leila started pushing her chair and saying 'Dababeeeeees' over and over again and that's how Mizah got her nickname - Dababees. Yes, we called her pins. She was malaysian by the way. On my first day of Year 8 I got scolded by my tutor called Abdallah, who our gang mock her as 'Lardo', just because I said 'what?' instead of 'excuse me' when she called my name. Leila made that for her. Lardo was FAT and stupid. And a useless art teacher. One morning she sat on a chair and it literally BROKE and the class had to stop themselves from laughing. The Lardo defended herself by saying 'Oh it was already wobbly' bla3 but that didn't stop Leila from telling everyone in school [she was extremely popular and had loads of admirers]. Me and Mizah made an Anti-Lardo Campaign in Geography when we were passing notes, the teacher left the year after though 'cause she found a dude or something [my sympathies for him]. We had such sucky teachers like Abdallah, and Stevens, who made Leila fall asleep 2x in Geo, plus Stubbs, the dude whose armpit kept showing dark stains and has an annoying voice and finally our constantly changing English teachers Puig [she had a strong Indian/whatever accent and got fired 'cause she taught bad] and Giambuzzi [we finally had Waller's husband after those failures]. Maths chronicles were the best though 'cause we always got in trouble but I won't go into detail 'cause my trio started making Memory Books of times since Year 7 and I don't want this entry to be TOO long. I still have them. Oh yes, I had a major crush on Dkun aka D*niaji and he knew 'cause of a stupid prank Valentine me and Leila did. The entire Year knew -__-;; I became friends with Leila's 3 admirers Luay, Salim and Abdulrahman [Salim left just this Year 12 term 3] - yeah, they all had a crush on her, OK. I was closest with Abdulrahman who I started calling Abdy, and we even began talking on the phone together [maximum 2 hours] and chatting loads. He helped me concerning Dkun problems a lot and was such a great pal. I stopped being friends with Luay after a while 'cause we kept fighting and same with Salim too. I had a crush on Abdy for a month in February. Oh yes, I got lots of detentions from Lardo too (Y) That's all for Year 8, there's just too much to type about that I wish I can tell all of you but I can't.
Year 9
This year was the awesomest I think 'cause we only had happy memories and not annoying ones like last year. I don't remember any sucky teachers. There was Ripton. It was in his Geography class that I learnt what a condom was. I made my notebook very colourful and pretty and he once called Rula a goat which made her hate him a lot. For English we had West, who we proclaimed as The Living Dead 'cause he was in the border of life and death. His lessons were our funeral but me and Leila sat at the back and always threw things to the front of the class and annoyed each other loads by dropping books and stationery to the ground and we never got in trouble. I stopped liking Dkun in March or something and somewhere after that stopped communicating with Abdy. I really forgot how. I met Fajar in February but that's not part of school. By the way Sammy came to QIS this year and someone else I think but I forgot. There were like 13 people in our group and we were such a pact, just like Cania's group now, but we were a whole lot immature and noisier than them. Overall it was an awesome year.
Year 10
I started highschool and the first bad thing about it was that Mizah, Leila, Jana, Khuloud and Amanda left QIS. I was devastated but thankful that Sammy, Madusa and Jenny were still around. This year I became friends with Saba, Iman and Shaza but more distant from Rula 'cause she hung out with the intellectual people, aka Majd's people. I also started to treasure home life [you know, Sekompond stuff] than school life 'cause it just wasn't the same as junior high. Unfortunately Jenny moved somewhere in Term 1 or Term 2. I became closer to Sammy at this stage, and we started calling each other Mother and Daughter and then Cania and Fajar arrived into the family. English with Eyre was the best thing that ever happened to me in lessons [yes it beat the unique classes from junior high] 'cause I just couldn't stop laughing and enjoying myself. Me and Rula were maniacs and always made jokes and the entire class always humour together. However it wasn't yet fun as like in Year 11. I remember in October I had the stairs incident, do you remember it Hamzah? I tripped on the stairs 'cause of my slippery shoes and he was next to me and a teacher was behind me and when she left Hamzah couldn't stop laughing. I started having a crush on him after a while but it was still immature. Year 10 school life was OK 'cause the people weren't as exciting but nothing bad ever happened, I think. Some of us also started going to IT2 on 2nd breaks and I think those 15 minutes of every school day were the happiest I had in school, with my home friends I mean. Oh I almost forgot, me, Matar, Hamzah, Dhe3 and Dhia joined German [and I will not talk about how Eichoefer is an idiot teacher with alien fashion style and kept boring our French class to tears] and that was the most awesome after-school activity I've ever been to in QIS, I think. We ate food and played games and there was Syamsul LOL. Ah, sad she left the next year. Or not.
Year 11
If you wanna read about my Year 11 life I have a blog of it, you know. It was the worst year of my life I kept admitting and now as I am in Year 12/graduated I disagree and agree. Agree because I was a helpless emo and stopped telling my problems to people and was literally sad everyday 'cause I kept fighting with Hamzah [who became my 1st love and I am not afraid to say that 'cause he's just my best friend now and I have a crush on someone else thank you] and disagree because I had beautiful memories when I wasn't fighting with him and ESPECIALLY with Fajar. But that's not part of school. School was a good witness for lots of things though. 'Specially IT2 sessions. I remember when Hamzah came in the class and gave me a poem drawing, do you remember? and I nearly cried. IT2 was my sanctuary. We were always in there playing games or just talking about anything. Me, Cania, Fajar, Hamzah and Umar were the regulars, but Umar had nothing to do with our fun. Turkey was in charge so we could do whatever we want. Oh how joyous those moments were. We also joined Robotics after me, Matar, Hamzah and Afif did like 1 or 2 lessons of Spanish LOL. English lessons got a lot more fun 'specially with our poetry mockery and Animal Farm jokes but I then found out Rula was leaving in Year 12 D: I gave Eyre a drawing on our last lesson but it was rushed and therefore ugly. I wonder if he still has it. Woman version of Eyre was my French teacher and she gave me and Shaza a detention padahal I was being honest and that totally pissed me off. For Geo we had Green and our lessons with him were my 2nd favourite but sadly he had to go in Term 2 or something and I nearly cried. Well, that's all I really wanna say about Year 11. I was still a genius.
Year 12
Well I made this blog when I started Year 12 so you obviously know what my school life is like. I shall type about my last 3 weeks of highschool and QIS though.
First of all me and Fajar never made up in those 3 weeks. I tried talking to him 2x on the first week but he wouldn't respond so I left him alone. In the beginning of the 3rd week however I tried settling things down by chatting with him one night but it went nowhere, then the next night we had the longest chat ever that went to The End. So yeah, we're not friends anymore and I was sad but I learnt to overcome it, a bit. I'm gonna make an entry about it later 'cause I'm itching to.
We had 1 photography activity and it was with Dhe3, Carisa and Hamzah [of course]. I forgot what our subject was but we had loads of fun and laughter. I forgot what about, though, as usual. I also had 2 primary activities in which Dhea didn't attend both so it was just me and Hamzah. This time it was indoors 'cause it was just too hot outside. The 1st time I just played with blocks and stuff with the kids and Hamzah was cooking with Riko LOL. The 2nd time we were bored of the toys so after playing a bit with the kids we sat down across each other on the kiddy chairs and as I was drawing and he was doing whatever we talked the entire time. We talked about secrets and definitely the future aka our difference in time zones and goals and stuffs and it had a sad aura to it but it was a fun and comfortable conversation. I think once he talked about how if he gets a scholarship to the US or was it become a musician? then I'll get to see him perform or something. I was totally sad about the separation idea and when I said that we have to meet again in the future, OK and Hamzah said of course we will [or something along those lines] I don't know how but I just had this gut feeling that I can believe him so I didn't question anymore. Aku percaya kamuu~ (8)
Since we already finished the syllabus in Term 2 classes were sort of free. Did I ever mention that I had to do a PPT with Fathy and we totally sucked? Well anyway lots of people were absent and therefore I sometimes was missing people to talk to -__-;;
In our last day of school I wore an annoying jacket vest thingy whatever and dreaded it. It wasn't that special or fun at all. In Chemistry we did one last titration and when we were done gathered a bit. Parry said we were an extreme pleasure to teach, of course. In the last 2 minutes I drew a picture for him [I only draw pictures to the teachers of my favourite lessons LOL] and everybody signed it (Y). Gonna miss Chemistry like hell. Last lesson we were given certificates in the Library and I got Miss Cartoon, how lame. I thought I was gonna get Miss Amazed but they changed it.
Aside from school, on the 24th of April I went to the Corniche for some person's separation thingy and I was hoping females would come but to my horror and a bit of delight, only the Isynas, Fajar and Fadhli came. Since I was the only girl I had limits aka not to spend too much time with the lads so when they went back to the picnic site I walked to the other side of the park to take pictures, alone, sigh. I met up with them as the sun set but Hamzah went away so I had no one to talk to. It was boring. IGCSE and accelerated people started taking Physics tutoring and that was a real disadvantage to me. I also began going to the gym but quit not long after.
I can't remember anything else.
Well I hope you were somehow amused by this entry, if you even read the entire thing. Thanks a lot if you do. QIS was a good school and I'm glad me and all my friends have been put there. I will terribly miss everything that's happened.
Don't ever hate school guys, when you're in my position later in life you'll be begging to stay. Make the most of it~
Don't ever hate school guys, when you're in my position later in life you'll be begging to stay. Make the most of it~
p.s. this entry was 2739 words long, no kidding.
12 replies:
now th students r sluts n slobs n snobs n fags. th teachers wer great back then. now they hire dicks
n yes i was amused (Y)
hamzah i love the way you talk
YES n im kinda glad im leaving when i cnt stand th stupid rules anymore. i srsly miss those times D;
thanks for being amused~
n i kno u remember all those things so i wont go raging mad at u rite now askin y u ddnt say if u remembered those stuff i asked or nt~
LOL I AGREE WITH U DHE3 bt dnt u have smething t say abt th ntry.
how DO i talk? c:
hamzah r u kissing up here?
i dont do kiss ups
BS! i couldnt stop laughing. yampun german class arrrgh, alien fashion style XD
"We ate food and played games and there was Syamsul LOL. Ah, sad she left the next year. Or not"
SHE? :P :P
i lurvee this entry :D
i read the whole thing aaaaaaaaaaargh
oh and i read the whole entry just so you know you inspired me i shall type one
my god I miss the year 8-9 days. so nostalgic ><
@ dhia:- LOL NO I MEANT SHE AS IN EICHOEFER XDXDXD thank u for laughing :D
@ dhe3:- kiss up itu mksudny acting nice or smething t get praise/attention XD smething like tht. kyaa i like t inspire ppl~
@cania:- OMG I TALKED T U ABT LARDO BACK THEN?!!? i dnt remember at all, duh.
and used to go like whos this lardo. and my english was sucky, haa
I read the whole thing and I think you may have missed some parts in year 10 i suppose because we were like together everywhere and stuff. and in break times it was us indos eating together. AND IN SPANISH, WE USED TO HATE AFIF'S KNOWITALL FRIEND
you never told me. go pie.
ahh good times.
OMG U HAVE TH EMAILS? MATAR FORWARD THEM T ME. n if u dnt read this cmment i shall ask u in msn
thank u for reading th ntire thing bt ther r things i forgot just like wt u mentioned ther. I FORGOT TH KNOWITALL. n i forgot we indo girls used t eat tgether too.
I NEVER TOLD U ABT HAGMUSA LUAY N SALIM? well then i dd say in th beginning tht none of u kno most of wt im gunna say (Y)
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