I am here to type about the 30th of May 2009, but it's already the 31st and I should be asleep 'cause I'll end up waking up at 11AM+ again but I find sleep a total waste of time. I wish my parents would wake me up earlier =\
Well anyway big news today, me and Fajar are friends again. Cania, I wonder if you noticed 'cause in RO we spoke to each other but you didn't say anything about it xD I wonder what Umar thought too O: Basically he saw my previous blog entry and started a chat, uhh syania, and realised how I missed him which he found rather sweet and said sorry as usual. I asked for his honest reason for our make up and he said it's because he felt sorry for me, heh -__-; But that shows he has a heart, right? And if he really hated me he wouldn't even feel sorry at all. I said that it's sad how he only wants to be my friend again 'cause of sympathy but then he said g lahh, I'm bored too and alone, ALONE! but there's zombies around me [he was playing RO]. I didn't really mind his reason 'cause we played together in RO and when everyone else was offline we had those talks and turns out he's still the same old miserable Fajar I talked to in April. When Umar went online we immediately said 'ok stop the end' xD Ahh, it feels so lega to communicate with him again, you know? Now there's no more tension, no more getting teary when remembering those old times when I listen to sad music. Although I hardly see him anymore likewise with everyone else, I hope we continue to keep this bond just as good as it was before we ignored each other (Y) Amin.
Now I don't have to worry about anything else anymore besides the fact that I'm moving .__.;;which is the biggest worry of all, duh. Since people are leaving on the 26th+, I have like nearly 4 more weeks to make happy memories with them [which will be hard 'cause of exams and study leaves]. Of course I can make more in Indonesia but my time there is limited from 7th of July 'til the 23rd 'cause when my dad comes at the latter date I can't go out anymore. I'm going to the US on the 2nd of August I think, college starts on the 25th. Can you guys believe that you'll have a friend in college? Well there's MD but you guys are closer to me anyway xD Rephrase, can you believe that you'll have a friend in college in the WEST? Since Dhe3 going to Berklee is possible [if she prefers, that is (Y)], I'll say that I wish I can drag CC and Hamzah along T~T [no chances for Fajar -__-] Specially you Hamzah 'cause you really want to go here xD I don't know whether to be sad 'cause I'm moving so soon or to just ignore it for a month and focus on my exams [AS IF] and have fun with the remaining days I have with you beloved Sekompond and branches. Sometimes I feel sad about that but most of the time I feel cheerful, which is good right? I don't feel emo or depressed or stressed anymore [alhamdulillah]. Exams seem kinda blah to me [which is bad]. I think I've passed the sad teenager days ;O. Now I just have to grow up to become a young lady, 'cause 17 is the time for that age (Y).
Today I woke up at 11:30 as I think some of you know. I started playing RO at 1:00/1:30 which was when the twins had to go for tutoring [ugh bad timing] but when me and Fajar were in good terms so we played together. Then at 2:30 or something there was a freaking BLACK OUT and my laptop's batteries are assholes and need electricity to stay on so they went off. That black-out lasted 'til 3:30. I WASTED 1 HOUR OF MY LIFE JUST WAITING FOR ELECTRICITY TO COME BACK ON @______@ AND DO YOU KNOW HOW HOT IT WAS?!? I kept shouting in the house, 'I WANT ELECTRICITY', 'AHH IT'S SO HOT I NEED THE AC'. While waiting I read my Memory Book from Year 8 and watched Super Junior videos with Ocha and kept LAUGHING at Eeteuk, Heechul and Sungmin. When the beauty that is electricity [DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED PEOPLE] came back I played with Fajar again for a bit. Then the twins came back and I was with Hamzah for a while but omg the aura was SO QUIET. Hamzah you've never been that quiet in RO -__-;; Anyway I was like talking to myself but thank God CC came to the rescue not long after. We totally spammed the game [Carisa couldn't join us] 'til Maghrib~ It was quite entertaining (Y) But yesterday's game was a lot more fun =p
At night I couldn't care less to study [and Chemistry is my worst subject, remember those E's and U's I got for my Unit 2 test] so I just chatted with Fajar. He told me not to watch 2 Girls 1 Cup [which we ranted over yesterday] 'cause it was dosa and he kept saying DOOONT BS, DOOOOONT, DOSA DOSA DOSA -.-. Bla. He told me to kill my curiosity. BUT I HAVE TO WATCH IT OK, JUST THE FIRST FEW SECONDS IS ENOUGH 'cause I don't think I can survive through disgusting things [I tend to wanna vomit easily]. From how he talked I could totally sense that he's glad to be friends with me again t2h. It was surprising to see him go to bed at 10pm. Now let's hope tomorrow I can study (Y) Oh yeah and I need to make a Study Leave entry.
Now I don't have to worry about anything else anymore besides the fact that I'm moving .__.;;which is the biggest worry of all, duh. Since people are leaving on the 26th+, I have like nearly 4 more weeks to make happy memories with them [which will be hard 'cause of exams and study leaves]. Of course I can make more in Indonesia but my time there is limited from 7th of July 'til the 23rd 'cause when my dad comes at the latter date I can't go out anymore. I'm going to the US on the 2nd of August I think, college starts on the 25th. Can you guys believe that you'll have a friend in college? Well there's MD but you guys are closer to me anyway xD Rephrase, can you believe that you'll have a friend in college in the WEST? Since Dhe3 going to Berklee is possible [if she prefers, that is (Y)], I'll say that I wish I can drag CC and Hamzah along T~T [no chances for Fajar -__-] Specially you Hamzah 'cause you really want to go here xD I don't know whether to be sad 'cause I'm moving so soon or to just ignore it for a month and focus on my exams [AS IF] and have fun with the remaining days I have with you beloved Sekompond and branches. Sometimes I feel sad about that but most of the time I feel cheerful, which is good right? I don't feel emo or depressed or stressed anymore [alhamdulillah]. Exams seem kinda blah to me [which is bad]. I think I've passed the sad teenager days ;O. Now I just have to grow up to become a young lady, 'cause 17 is the time for that age (Y).
Today I woke up at 11:30 as I think some of you know. I started playing RO at 1:00/1:30 which was when the twins had to go for tutoring [ugh bad timing] but when me and Fajar were in good terms so we played together. Then at 2:30 or something there was a freaking BLACK OUT and my laptop's batteries are assholes and need electricity to stay on so they went off. That black-out lasted 'til 3:30. I WASTED 1 HOUR OF MY LIFE JUST WAITING FOR ELECTRICITY TO COME BACK ON @______@ AND DO YOU KNOW HOW HOT IT WAS?!? I kept shouting in the house, 'I WANT ELECTRICITY', 'AHH IT'S SO HOT I NEED THE AC'. While waiting I read my Memory Book from Year 8 and watched Super Junior videos with Ocha and kept LAUGHING at Eeteuk, Heechul and Sungmin. When the beauty that is electricity [DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED PEOPLE] came back I played with Fajar again for a bit. Then the twins came back and I was with Hamzah for a while but omg the aura was SO QUIET. Hamzah you've never been that quiet in RO -__-;; Anyway I was like talking to myself but thank God CC came to the rescue not long after. We totally spammed the game [Carisa couldn't join us] 'til Maghrib~ It was quite entertaining (Y) But yesterday's game was a lot more fun =p
At night I couldn't care less to study [and Chemistry is my worst subject, remember those E's and U's I got for my Unit 2 test] so I just chatted with Fajar. He told me not to watch 2 Girls 1 Cup [which we ranted over yesterday] 'cause it was dosa and he kept saying DOOONT BS, DOOOOONT, DOSA DOSA DOSA -.-. Bla. He told me to kill my curiosity. BUT I HAVE TO WATCH IT OK, JUST THE FIRST FEW SECONDS IS ENOUGH 'cause I don't think I can survive through disgusting things [I tend to wanna vomit easily]. From how he talked I could totally sense that he's glad to be friends with me again t2h. It was surprising to see him go to bed at 10pm. Now let's hope tomorrow I can study (Y) Oh yeah and I need to make a Study Leave entry.
It's nearly 1:00 now, so I better sleep >__>;;
p.s. Ever since yesterday I've been getting butterflies (Y).
4 replies:
im glad fajar is not this creepy emo dude i will see anymore perhaps.
keep staying friends ok.
EVEN SAHER CALLED HIM 'oh the emo guy?'
2 girls one cup is FOUL N WRONG D:
ckck curiosity.
btw fajar is still creepy emo dude bt only with me. he dsnt show it exteriorly (Y) thts y i keep thinking he's cheerful when we ignored each other, bt t my surprise he isnt. N LOL HOW DD SAHER KNO?
we shall stay friends. *me n fajar, nt me n saher
saher has many, many 'connections'. -istareatyou-
and i agree with fajar, you shouldn't watch it. watch KHR instead~
fajar wnts me t wtch eyeshield 21 now ckck
i dnt get wt u mean by connections cania~ who on earth wud bother telling fajar stories t saher~
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