This was the drawing I tried so hard not to let anyone see until the actual person did. Now that it's in his hands, I can finally show you guys.
I just got my reply around 10 minutes ago. Newsflash people, I decided to stop trying to reach him and gave the drawing to Adam instead to give to Fajar [LOL he's my messenger]. It was easier to do and no failure guaranteed.
We started calling each other best friends since the 15th of April 2008 and glued ever since. But then somewhere in October/September I broke off the bestfriendship with him 'cause we kept fighting. Only somehow... We returned the status in November. And now, March 2009, he calls the quits. I was just best friends with him for less than a year but it felt like more than that. It felt longer.Well, to sum it up we're not best friends anymore, just friends. Maybe even less than that. When we 'break up', Fajar never really seems to appreciate being my best friend. So there won't be anymore special Bs Fajar moments for us. No more, say, 'happiest memories'. 'Cause well, that's what we got from each other. I'm just extremely thankful Allah ever gave me such times with him. No other girl in this country was given the oppurtunity, yes?
I've heard people say we fit or we somehow belong together [not in that way, duh]. Well only God knows about that so I'll just keep walking now... Not necessarily moving on completely no, I'll be aware just incase something MIGHT happen. However all this makes me realise how much I wanna thank all the friends who are currently around me, thank you guys so much :) Without you I won't be laughing or fangirling or talking or acting stupid.
Is this the pain for being so glad I have him, or so sad 'cause I 'lost' you? I'll never know.
I'll just do my maths h/w and watch DBSK after this.
7 replies:
Awesome pic.
So sorry that it's kinda over D: . But it's not completely, right? :]
You guys, both of you, should be proud to have experienced this kind of friendship. :] Now don't you let him forget anything that you have taught him! D<
Or don't you let yourself forget anything that he has taught you. ;3
I hope the beginning of the 3rd paragraph and the rest of the paragraph is directed for me CIEEE! XD Well, if it's not for me, then its for the other people who had supported you to come this far. :3
You spelled 'opportunity' wrong.
thanks, tuk me quite a while t make it luk tht gud. xD
HHA nooo, of course its nt cmpletely over. he already forgot wt i taught him -____-;; n he never seems proud t be my best friend -___-;; well thts nt rele bothering me anymore bt i still teach n remind him as he matures..
nah, ill always remember. th 3rd para is directed for a lot ppl actually o__O;; so slice off ur big head >D
oh ya i dd, nt bothered t change it HAHA
LOLOL U sound like his guardian.
Maybe you are, in a way. x3
I know, I know it's directed for lots of people. XD PSSH Me? Big headed? *SPLUTTERS*
I shall disagree with the phrase mentioned. XD
LOLOL ME, HIS GUARDIAN? its supposed t be th other way round. he told me once he wnted t try n protect me. >__>;; yet im doin it.
AWWWWW How thoughtful of him. XD
I am by far the most efficient 11-year-old girl here! *ckling*
Yeah, I do fail.... 0.o;;
im nt talkin abt u!
im talkin abt th epic failure tht fajar is.
yes, he is an immature sore loser.
im glad he realised tht!
Right. Sorry for my misunderstanding... >> And I think I have other things to apologise to you.
Such a brave boy to admit his mistake. XD
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