Sincere smiles; True happiness
No bold or italics in this entry peoples, since I ain't bothered to decorate [the entry is too long].
No bold or italics in this entry peoples, since I ain't bothered to decorate [the entry is too long].
Well I know one of you is curious about my Walk-A-Thon experience. I shall start off by saying that I did a Chemistry re-test 1st thing in the morning and I totally failed it 'cause I skipped a 5-mark question and messed up everything else. I wasn't alone though 'cause in Physics I heard Akkad discussing his difficulties. In the early morning I got attracted to what Fajar was wearing. But then it disappeared when I saw Umar on my way to the assembly; dayum he wore a kemeja too HIEK HIEK. Red is such a fitting colour for him.
I was gonna cry when I heard that we were separated into groups, and could've mental-breakdowned knowing I wasn't with anyone from my square. I was most sad that I couldn't walk with Hamzah, 'cause walking with Fajar was sort of impossible at that time, and Matar was with her friends anyway. I ended up bumping into Anty 'til the back gate, talking 'bout my woes and disappointment. I found my classmates and went over to them but we were meant to be at the front so we made our way there. Turned out Fajar and Khalid were behind us, but I wasn't expecting anything good to happen.
After about 15 minutes we finally WALKED; as everyone scattered and stuff I came to notice that Matar wasn't too far behind me, Head Boy was at 2 o'clock, Adam was right in front and Fajar was at 8 o'clock. Not a very bad arrangement. Except that I saw Bowlingball Head [the guy wearing a hideous green] EVERYWHERE. I sort of talked to my classmates at first but then I wanted Matar to be with me so I apologetically dragged her away from her homies and we rushed to the front in order to be around the people we know 'cause waiting for her slowed us down. Dhe3 suddenly appeared and I don't know how but we talked about certain stuff. At the Rainbow Roundabout people were all gathered and when I saw Umar I squealed, but when I saw Hamzah I became utterly relieved and started to feel fine. I invited that boy to walk with us and we did, of course.
I talked with Hamzah at first - Fajar moved towards him right then I think - but afterwards continued my in-depth conversation with Dhe3. I sort of looked back and found Fajar talking next to Hamzah and Carisa, I think, but I ignored that. His voice seemed to smile, though. We kept walking and I am serious, I did NOT pay attention to where we were going - I only remember the places that I recorded. I'm sure Fajar poked me and said Hello but I was too busy with the Tree to reply so I think he said 'See she's not answering' to Hamzah/Carisa. Those 3 looked like they were having fun so I couldn't care less but to leave him be, although when our 'F**king Dickhead' discussion was over I decided to speak up.
It was a weird way to start - I grabbed his shoulder, pointed at the guy I hate and said 'Hey Fajar, you wanna see BB Head?' - but it worked, 'cause he replied that he already knows and we began to talk naturally. I occasionally mentioned how someone should call Umar over, but I immediately paid my attention to Fajar, Hamzah who was muttering stuff at me was sort of ignored even - but I still heard and replied him a bit. He's an inaudible person anyway. Carisa mingled with Dhe3. As the walk grew more hundred metres, Adam and Dhea and Andin and Iwan and Abid began catching up. Everything felt right - I finally got to walk with Fajar, something I've been planning to do since I heard of a Walk-A-Thon - nothing could get better than that. But I forgot what we talked about.
Even though it grew hot I was having a satisfied amount of fun. Cania started to appear but I was still in my own little joyful world with my most problematic best friend and Hamzah tended to visit too. I sort of fangirled the Head Boy so Fajar was like 'Bla3 -insert his real name here-' OUT LOUD and I was raging and hitting him 'cause when I turned around ONE OF MY CLASSMATES was there! Imagine if she really heard! Sorry I forgot what Fajar said. We suddenly talked about us being elements [apparently C, F and H discussed this previously], Fajar told me to be Potassium ['cause I'm reactive?], I suggested Umar to be Uranium [which Hamzah thought was pee -__-;;] and Hamzah was supposedly Hydrogen 'cause it's alone and emo [I was meant to be that first]. Before Fajar became Carbon, he was Oxygen - he changed 'cause Johnson was wearing an O2 shirt so that boy said something like J stealing Oxygen so he'll be something else - and since he was Oxygen and Hamzah was Hydrogen, he said to him 'Hey Hamzah, do you want to chemical reaction with me?' and we started to freaking laugh our butts off. I mean, what kind of stupid question is that! xD It was hilarious.
We continued walking and Hamzah moved on to Cania and the other girls, for he is Ladies' Man. Me and Fajar saw Doniaji walking alone at the front - I recorded that poor guy and Fajar screamed 'HEY EMO!' and I was scolding him but laughing. I was really happy and I know he was too. After more chit-chat, we reached the Water Drop. The fucking water drop. Things started to turn upside down after we reached that place. For one, Adam and Umar joined us then, and Dhia too. Well we started again but I was with Hamzah this time, admiring Umar from behind and watching he, Fajar, Adam and Carisa walking, conversing, together in a line. It was fine at first. But as time passed and the number of steps increased I realised what was happening and my heart took it in. Once I wanted to say something to Hamzah but his pace was comparable to a dead lizard so I said 'Hamzah walk faster!' and Adam went 'Yeah Syania, walk faster' or whatever and I laughed, then Fajar went over to me and said something but I said 'Nothing' and continued talking to Ladies' Man.
I was sad. So I played music and decided to walk alone, thinking of how perfect our friendship was going until that point. Hamzah turned on his mode and waltzed off to mingle with the ladies. Dhe3 inquired about me, then Carisa approached in concern but she was being happy so I told her to go back with Adam, Fajar and Umar 'cause I didn't want to ruin any of her joy. I walked ahead of everyone until I found myself behind Ahmed Almeer. He knows I have problems and I was on the verge of tears so I really didn't want him to see so I started heading to the left but he turned around just in time to smile and say 'Feeling lonely?' I replied that I just wanted to be alone, but he asked about the Chemistry test and we talked together for a few minutes about it. He even took off his earphones and packed it up. When nothing else was to be said I scurried off, thankful a kind guy like him existed in the event.
Adam proved me wrong too though, 'cause abruptly and unexpectedly I found him walking beside me, asking Fajary things. I explained to him what happened and it was the 1st time I did so in real life and not online. After more bla3 we talked about his phone and before you know it there was another pit-stop so he went back to Fajar - we walked way too fast. Hamzah popped up a conversation and again I was so grateful I even expressed it to him. Cania also questioned but I don't know what I said. Since I felt that I'd be with Hamzah throughout the rest of the walk, I shouted a thanks to Adam ['cause he bothered talking to me and well, it was comforting] who was back there with Fajar leaning against a bus and he looked like he was being forced to greet me. Oh yeah, Carisa told me of her Fajar chronicles.
When we were turning right towards the Exhibition Centre, Fajar jumped beside me and said 'I'm sorry, reaally sorry', meaning it. I know he did. Out of pure reflex my mouth formed a smile that I felt was sincere and it lasted for 5 seconds. Fajar started grinning and he said to Adam 'See I told you she'd like it!' and I remarked 'I bet Adam told you to do this' and he looked taken aback and said 'No he didn't' so I believed him and was thankful for his thoughtfulness. Well I thought things were going to be back to normal... But I was wrong. He left me again as fast as we made up. I pulled his shirt causing him to stumble towards me and complained, complained, complained. Carisa said something about forgetting it 'cause he said sorry or whatever but I wasn't convinced anymore. Who was the one desperately wanting to be greeted? All I wanted was him to stay but he just wouldn't. So I burned up and pushed him away, to Umar.
I continued talking to Hamzah. Fajar walked over to me and said 'What, what' or the like but I lightly pushed him back again with both hands, like in cartoons where slaves push big rocks. My feeling weren't stable. Just be with Umar and Adam and Carisa. He was. I on the other hand had Hamzah only, until Cania and Adam marched behind us and we 4 conversed together about many random things later on. More of the girls were with us now, but I was basically with Hamzah, Cania, Adam, Carisa, Andin and Dhe3 - mostly the 1st 3. Adam interviewed Hamzah so many random and stupid questions and it was hilarious. I have it all on video so I don't need to type this part of the Walk-A-Thon. Umar and Fajar were like waaaaaay ahead of us and they didn't seem amused. I kept wondering why Umar prefers to walk alone, or even speechless. I bet Fajar would've had a happier Walk-A-Thon end if he was with me. By the way, Bowlingball Head appeared way too many times, Tuyul banget sih. Everytime he did I screamed and Dhe3 and Dhia would be there laughing. By the way I forgot to mention that when we walked with Malak Obaidi she found out I'm Syania Tifani and then she said 'OMG you're Syania? You're smart... are you emo?' and we were like LOLing.
In the field I ate pepperoni pizza and it was beautiful. I want to win the iPod raffle, amin [is it even drawn yet?]. I felt so alone and tired so I skipped Primary and so did Hamzah yay. I forgot about Dhea though, hehe. On my way to the front, I was looking at the photos and found a very eyecatching one, which most of you should already know about. When I looked at it I, out of pure reflex again, smiled again and it lasted longer for 5 seconds this time. I missed it. On my right I sneaked a glance - Khalid was talking to his friend and Fajar just stood there by himself. The others started coming and I talked with them. I clearly remember how that best friend of mine stared at me, with his serious, unpredictable expression - I regarded him too for 0.1 seconds that's why, but turned my head back 'cause it scared me. However after more bla3ing I really looked at him and he looked back; his slight smile from talking to Khalid transforming into a straight line or even a frown and our eyes, unreadable, were just locked like that for 2 seconds, until I turned my head back again.
Deep down I really wanted to walk over to him and show the photo that made me smile. I don't really know why I didn't.
I was gonna cry when I heard that we were separated into groups, and could've mental-breakdowned knowing I wasn't with anyone from my square. I was most sad that I couldn't walk with Hamzah, 'cause walking with Fajar was sort of impossible at that time, and Matar was with her friends anyway. I ended up bumping into Anty 'til the back gate, talking 'bout my woes and disappointment. I found my classmates and went over to them but we were meant to be at the front so we made our way there. Turned out Fajar and Khalid were behind us, but I wasn't expecting anything good to happen.
After about 15 minutes we finally WALKED; as everyone scattered and stuff I came to notice that Matar wasn't too far behind me, Head Boy was at 2 o'clock, Adam was right in front and Fajar was at 8 o'clock. Not a very bad arrangement. Except that I saw Bowlingball Head [the guy wearing a hideous green] EVERYWHERE. I sort of talked to my classmates at first but then I wanted Matar to be with me so I apologetically dragged her away from her homies and we rushed to the front in order to be around the people we know 'cause waiting for her slowed us down. Dhe3 suddenly appeared and I don't know how but we talked about certain stuff. At the Rainbow Roundabout people were all gathered and when I saw Umar I squealed, but when I saw Hamzah I became utterly relieved and started to feel fine. I invited that boy to walk with us and we did, of course.
I talked with Hamzah at first - Fajar moved towards him right then I think - but afterwards continued my in-depth conversation with Dhe3. I sort of looked back and found Fajar talking next to Hamzah and Carisa, I think, but I ignored that. His voice seemed to smile, though. We kept walking and I am serious, I did NOT pay attention to where we were going - I only remember the places that I recorded. I'm sure Fajar poked me and said Hello but I was too busy with the Tree to reply so I think he said 'See she's not answering' to Hamzah/Carisa. Those 3 looked like they were having fun so I couldn't care less but to leave him be, although when our 'F**king Dickhead' discussion was over I decided to speak up.
It was a weird way to start - I grabbed his shoulder, pointed at the guy I hate and said 'Hey Fajar, you wanna see BB Head?' - but it worked, 'cause he replied that he already knows and we began to talk naturally. I occasionally mentioned how someone should call Umar over, but I immediately paid my attention to Fajar, Hamzah who was muttering stuff at me was sort of ignored even - but I still heard and replied him a bit. He's an inaudible person anyway. Carisa mingled with Dhe3. As the walk grew more hundred metres, Adam and Dhea and Andin and Iwan and Abid began catching up. Everything felt right - I finally got to walk with Fajar, something I've been planning to do since I heard of a Walk-A-Thon - nothing could get better than that. But I forgot what we talked about.
Even though it grew hot I was having a satisfied amount of fun. Cania started to appear but I was still in my own little joyful world with my most problematic best friend and Hamzah tended to visit too. I sort of fangirled the Head Boy so Fajar was like 'Bla3 -insert his real name here-' OUT LOUD and I was raging and hitting him 'cause when I turned around ONE OF MY CLASSMATES was there! Imagine if she really heard! Sorry I forgot what Fajar said. We suddenly talked about us being elements [apparently C, F and H discussed this previously], Fajar told me to be Potassium ['cause I'm reactive?], I suggested Umar to be Uranium [which Hamzah thought was pee -__-;;] and Hamzah was supposedly Hydrogen 'cause it's alone and emo [I was meant to be that first]. Before Fajar became Carbon, he was Oxygen - he changed 'cause Johnson was wearing an O2 shirt so that boy said something like J stealing Oxygen so he'll be something else - and since he was Oxygen and Hamzah was Hydrogen, he said to him 'Hey Hamzah, do you want to chemical reaction with me?' and we started to freaking laugh our butts off. I mean, what kind of stupid question is that! xD It was hilarious.
We continued walking and Hamzah moved on to Cania and the other girls, for he is Ladies' Man. Me and Fajar saw Doniaji walking alone at the front - I recorded that poor guy and Fajar screamed 'HEY EMO!' and I was scolding him but laughing. I was really happy and I know he was too. After more chit-chat, we reached the Water Drop. The fucking water drop. Things started to turn upside down after we reached that place. For one, Adam and Umar joined us then, and Dhia too. Well we started again but I was with Hamzah this time, admiring Umar from behind and watching he, Fajar, Adam and Carisa walking, conversing, together in a line. It was fine at first. But as time passed and the number of steps increased I realised what was happening and my heart took it in. Once I wanted to say something to Hamzah but his pace was comparable to a dead lizard so I said 'Hamzah walk faster!' and Adam went 'Yeah Syania, walk faster' or whatever and I laughed, then Fajar went over to me and said something but I said 'Nothing' and continued talking to Ladies' Man.
I was sad. So I played music and decided to walk alone, thinking of how perfect our friendship was going until that point. Hamzah turned on his mode and waltzed off to mingle with the ladies. Dhe3 inquired about me, then Carisa approached in concern but she was being happy so I told her to go back with Adam, Fajar and Umar 'cause I didn't want to ruin any of her joy. I walked ahead of everyone until I found myself behind Ahmed Almeer. He knows I have problems and I was on the verge of tears so I really didn't want him to see so I started heading to the left but he turned around just in time to smile and say 'Feeling lonely?' I replied that I just wanted to be alone, but he asked about the Chemistry test and we talked together for a few minutes about it. He even took off his earphones and packed it up. When nothing else was to be said I scurried off, thankful a kind guy like him existed in the event.
Adam proved me wrong too though, 'cause abruptly and unexpectedly I found him walking beside me, asking Fajary things. I explained to him what happened and it was the 1st time I did so in real life and not online. After more bla3 we talked about his phone and before you know it there was another pit-stop so he went back to Fajar - we walked way too fast. Hamzah popped up a conversation and again I was so grateful I even expressed it to him. Cania also questioned but I don't know what I said. Since I felt that I'd be with Hamzah throughout the rest of the walk, I shouted a thanks to Adam ['cause he bothered talking to me and well, it was comforting] who was back there with Fajar leaning against a bus and he looked like he was being forced to greet me. Oh yeah, Carisa told me of her Fajar chronicles.
When we were turning right towards the Exhibition Centre, Fajar jumped beside me and said 'I'm sorry, reaally sorry', meaning it. I know he did. Out of pure reflex my mouth formed a smile that I felt was sincere and it lasted for 5 seconds. Fajar started grinning and he said to Adam 'See I told you she'd like it!' and I remarked 'I bet Adam told you to do this' and he looked taken aback and said 'No he didn't' so I believed him and was thankful for his thoughtfulness. Well I thought things were going to be back to normal... But I was wrong. He left me again as fast as we made up. I pulled his shirt causing him to stumble towards me and complained, complained, complained. Carisa said something about forgetting it 'cause he said sorry or whatever but I wasn't convinced anymore. Who was the one desperately wanting to be greeted? All I wanted was him to stay but he just wouldn't. So I burned up and pushed him away, to Umar.
I continued talking to Hamzah. Fajar walked over to me and said 'What, what' or the like but I lightly pushed him back again with both hands, like in cartoons where slaves push big rocks. My feeling weren't stable. Just be with Umar and Adam and Carisa. He was. I on the other hand had Hamzah only, until Cania and Adam marched behind us and we 4 conversed together about many random things later on. More of the girls were with us now, but I was basically with Hamzah, Cania, Adam, Carisa, Andin and Dhe3 - mostly the 1st 3. Adam interviewed Hamzah so many random and stupid questions and it was hilarious. I have it all on video so I don't need to type this part of the Walk-A-Thon. Umar and Fajar were like waaaaaay ahead of us and they didn't seem amused. I kept wondering why Umar prefers to walk alone, or even speechless. I bet Fajar would've had a happier Walk-A-Thon end if he was with me. By the way, Bowlingball Head appeared way too many times, Tuyul banget sih. Everytime he did I screamed and Dhe3 and Dhia would be there laughing. By the way I forgot to mention that when we walked with Malak Obaidi she found out I'm Syania Tifani and then she said 'OMG you're Syania? You're smart... are you emo?' and we were like LOLing.
In the field I ate pepperoni pizza and it was beautiful. I want to win the iPod raffle, amin [is it even drawn yet?]. I felt so alone and tired so I skipped Primary and so did Hamzah yay. I forgot about Dhea though, hehe. On my way to the front, I was looking at the photos and found a very eyecatching one, which most of you should already know about. When I looked at it I, out of pure reflex again, smiled again and it lasted longer for 5 seconds this time. I missed it. On my right I sneaked a glance - Khalid was talking to his friend and Fajar just stood there by himself. The others started coming and I talked with them. I clearly remember how that best friend of mine stared at me, with his serious, unpredictable expression - I regarded him too for 0.1 seconds that's why, but turned my head back 'cause it scared me. However after more bla3ing I really looked at him and he looked back; his slight smile from talking to Khalid transforming into a straight line or even a frown and our eyes, unreadable, were just locked like that for 2 seconds, until I turned my head back again.
Deep down I really wanted to walk over to him and show the photo that made me smile. I don't really know why I didn't.
9 replies:
*Phew* At first when I looked at the entire entry, I wuz like 'WTH. I don't think I can finish it all in one night'. XD
I think that was the first time since I've been on Blogger that you mentioned mah name. XD Whee~
Wt's Tree? 0_0 Dhe3?
And LOL Uranium! XD
It made me smile when he jumped beside you and go'I'm reaaaalllyy sorry' and all. :3 In fact, I laughed because then he said 'See? I told you she'd like it!' XD
Ah, but what such innocent soul. :'3
I want that iPod toooo. :O
Good luck... D: For everything.
its a rele long ntry, bt it dsnt take more than 15 minutes t read, srsly!
n ive mentioned ur name bfore, im sure. thers like 102 more posts bfore this one tht cn prove tht o____O;;
dhe3 is tree yes
AHAHAHHA yea th see i told u thing added a little more fajar touch to it. xD
thank u
I cant believe i read all tht x.x
whos ahmed almeer
aaaaan i expereinced this so i wont comment mnoar
Bowlingball Head appeared way too many times, Tuyul banget sih.
was that suppose to be rrrrrrrrrrrrr ehem ehem? AHUAHAUAHUAHUAUHAUHAUHAHUAUHAUHAUH
whoose zookie~?
uhh ahmed almeer is th guy tht i think reminds me of afdal n he's in my chem class. he's very friendly.
zookie is anty
And there I was wondering how long I can keep this identity unrevealed. XD
LOL OOPS am i nt supposed t tell?
No no, go tell the world.
I shall shrink back into my lair and brew up a plan to erase their memories...
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