AAAAAAAA LOOK AT CHANGMIN YA YA? LOOK AT HIM *_______* He's the one in the inner corners of all 4 pictures... HE'S SO CUTE WITH A HAT! From an interview I learnt that his favourite accessory is a hat.. GYAAA! Even though he does look better in videos than pictures but still... I love you Changmin lalala~
Well, the reason I haven't been blogging properly is 'cause I'm hardly in the mood anymore so yes, there is no International Award entry I'm afraid to say. 'Sides, there's not much to talk about either... Abid's group had all the fun -__-;;
Last Wednesday I had music club, in the Masjid I talked with Hamzah from like 2:15 to 2:45pm, waiting for Om Hanif. We talked about teachers and comics and other stuff, it feels so good to be able to talk to a guy like that :) I thought it was a good sort of 'parting' memory 'cause the next day I had IA. In the car however I surprisingly had to sit next to Fajar and it felt dreadful. You know what, I was drawing a picture of him 'cause he asked abt it last last Sunday and I rushed to finish it so I can show him before I left the car... But the plan backfired, I couldn't let out the voice to say, 'I drew you, wanna see?' Padahal if I did things would be different.
Changmin with glasses 8D Megane ouji; Glasses prince ;D
This week had more ups than downs and I'm really glad to know that I am fine without Fajar, but not necessarily better off. The circumstances may vary for him though and according to my analysis I think he is better off. Anyhow funny stuff happened in school hours but I honestly can't remember anything 'cause I have a bad memory... But Yacout is so gullible and hilarious xD School was always happy and laughable for me but when I get home my mood always switches to a nostalgic, sentimental one. D: Farah's birthday was on Tuesday, it was biasa2 aja to me and I enjoyed watching you-know-who, hehe. I found out that they played cards after I left and got pissed off at ahoushi who seemingly showed off. Hurray for videos.
HAHAHA WTF IS YOOCHUN [2nd from left] AND CHANGMIN'S HAIRCUT HAHA srsly why can't Changmin keep his hair in ONE STYLE already?! I like his hair not too short [like how it is now] and not too long [like up there and years ago].
Today I had a plan, which was to show Fajar the drawing I did of him. I mean, what have I got to lose? The script was planned out and all I had to do was find the chance to walk up to him - and there was one right after school, where me and Dhe3 noticed how that boy was standing all alone whereas Umar was mingling with schoolmates. Honestly, I liked seeing him alone. It was the perfect chance you know, but apparently my bag was left in Lab 1 'cause I was supposed to have a test at 1pm but due to the boys' wailing Parry changed it to tomorrow, so he just stood there with no one for 15 minutes, padahal I could've been there beside him. My mom told me I was going home with him and I was like Oh shit, I really didn't want to. In the car Tante Siwi kept offering me food... pizza... and I felt really uncomfortable 'cause I constantly rejected... Don't ask. I had another plan at that moment, which was to sms Fajar 'I drew a picture of you, wanna see?' and see what he replies. But after I finished typing it and clicked his name, I paused before pressing Send. For 5 seconds... 10 seconds... Well, you guessed it, I decided not to. I left the car saying Makasih Tante, Iwan, Fajar, but I'm sure he didn't hear 'cause he was listening to music.
I was meant to be studying for Chemistry but I watched Exploration of the Human Body feat. DBSK instead [God it was so funny and Changmin made me melt], though right when I suddenly had the will to open my books, which was at uhh, 10? my Dad started to lecture me and ordered me to sit on the dining table. He asked this and that and then it came to the time when I told him I had problems... I wouldn't tell him what, so he decided to call my Mom over and God, it was like 10:15... I didn't wanna talk about this at all, let alone at 10:15. Well, you guessed it again, I finally told my parents about my friendship problems with Fajar... not all the stories, just the sort of basic idea and a bit of what happened in our what, 17th silent distance? It felt weird telling my parents something like that for the first time in my life but the only unreassuring thing they did was call Fajar a kid, which my dad kept lightly chuckling at. Well I can't blame them, everyone thinks he's a kid except me. I know him better than everyone else *confident*. Don't know about now though 'cause his Facebook status is like 'I have lost myself. This isn't the Me that you know. he's somewhere else', what the fak does that mean?
Well tomorrow I've got plans which I don't know will apply to me or not so let's just see. I also wanna try talking to Fajar again... he's got to see the drawing, seriously. I think it's nice. So well, I hope tomorrow brings no pain and maybe no more fights. Amin. Whatever reply I get from him determines whether I shall leave him forever or stay a lot longer...
I was meant to be studying for Chemistry but I watched Exploration of the Human Body feat. DBSK instead [God it was so funny and Changmin made me melt], though right when I suddenly had the will to open my books, which was at uhh, 10? my Dad started to lecture me and ordered me to sit on the dining table. He asked this and that and then it came to the time when I told him I had problems... I wouldn't tell him what, so he decided to call my Mom over and God, it was like 10:15... I didn't wanna talk about this at all, let alone at 10:15. Well, you guessed it again, I finally told my parents about my friendship problems with Fajar... not all the stories, just the sort of basic idea and a bit of what happened in our what, 17th silent distance? It felt weird telling my parents something like that for the first time in my life but the only unreassuring thing they did was call Fajar a kid, which my dad kept lightly chuckling at. Well I can't blame them, everyone thinks he's a kid except me. I know him better than everyone else *confident*. Don't know about now though 'cause his Facebook status is like 'I have lost myself. This isn't the Me that you know. he's somewhere else', what the fak does that mean?
Well tomorrow I've got plans which I don't know will apply to me or not so let's just see. I also wanna try talking to Fajar again... he's got to see the drawing, seriously. I think it's nice. So well, I hope tomorrow brings no pain and maybe no more fights. Amin. Whatever reply I get from him determines whether I shall leave him forever or stay a lot longer...
My eyes hurt from all that crying
7 replies:
wawaw u talekd with ur parents n actually tolde them ur problems
n u shud totally just force a chance insted of waiting for HIM
b th better person
oh lol i ddnt read th plan part
yeaa i kno rite im surprised myself, bt i cudnt NOT say anythin cz they pressured me .
LOL ok gud u read it, i am still trying t take my chancesss
-ashamed t reject pizza-
It seemed like forever since I've been on blogger even though it has only been a couple o days. :\
I agree, you should go and ask him first. It's the thought that counts, right? He might/will be flattered to know that you are still enjoying being around him. Maybe he was waiting for you all the time?:O
LOL it seems like forever t me cz u never update -___-;;
yaaaaaa maybe he'll be flattered.. n maybe he is waitin for me.. maaaaaaaaaybe.
dsnt show at all tho x.x
So nice of you to notice my abscence. XD
Well, was it obvious of you to wait for him? :O It might be the same thing for both of yers.
hmmh in his point of view i dnt think i ws obvious, bt in mine, i think i ws.
same thing eh.. ill see.
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