Hello everyone I got back from IA today at 12:30pm and I feel fine [physically, not mentally OR emotionally] now, but too tired to do my h/w [which is just basically copying and pasting things in Microsoft Frontpage, but it takes FOREVER]. Anyway I'll talk about it later when I get the photos from Hamzah's camera, so for now I shall post about Shim Changmin, the awesome young cute hottie from DBSK 8D I've never fangirled an Asian celebrity before you know so this is a first HAHA XD *well except Ryo from NEWS but that wasn't much.
Look at the photos up there ^ Isn't he so damn cuuute? And look at his innocent smile! He's 21 you know, born on the 18th of February 1988 ohmyGod so hip and young. I discovered his awesomeness from this vid --v
He appears significantly wonderful at 1:11, 1:26 [well basically everytime he screams No], 2:48, 2:50, 3:16-3:19, 3:22, 4:15 [his AAA is so AAAA], 4:19-4:20 [OMG HIS POSE], 4:45 [OMG HIS SMILE] and 4:52-4:53 LOL
HE'S SO COOOOOOOOOL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I WANT HIS HAIR LIKE THAT FOREVER. By the way I think Jaejoong [2:00] is quite cool too. Just not as much. MD's the one that showed it to me, like, 4 months ago or something but I just opened it 5 days ago HAHAHA. I didn't notice Changmin at first but when I repeated it I was amazed by his smile and face and scream [yes, scream] so I kept watching it over and over again. I even put it in my phone. And started collecting pictures. I'm on like 150 out of a 310 page album of DBSK lalalala~
But but look at his hair back then, when it was long.
AHAAHAHAHAHAH JELEK BANGET SIIIIIIH HAAHAHAH XDXDX HE LOOKS LIKE AN INDONESIAN PREMAN WAKAKAKAK XDXD I shall forgive him though 'cause he was probably 19 or whatever, still angelic, less mature than the others and so unaware of style.
LOL that's basically all I wanna rant. I've gotta force myself to do ICT h/w sooner or later, hmmh. IA entry kambing soon! :D *hopefully it won't be lengthy either.
LOL that's basically all I wanna rant. I've gotta force myself to do ICT h/w sooner or later, hmmh. IA entry kambing soon! :D *hopefully it won't be lengthy either.
4 replies:
Couldn't see the video. My computer won't let me! Dx Ah well. Changmin is YUM. But Junsu is SUH-WEET! XD
IA entry sheep soon? 0.o
LOLWT u cnt be bothered t log in huh ?
ahh no fair, bt anyway it has adult jokes so u shan't see it. nooh changmin is sweeteeeeeer
LOL NO kambing soon is a pun for 'coming soon'.. got it off some indonesian movie i think.
No, no, I just like the fact that it makes me feel...
A movie about sheep?
uhh i have no idea
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