Usually I'd type about what happens to me every single day in detail but since it's been 2 weeks since I arrived in the US, I thought that would be too much and I ain't bothered, so I'll just generalise stuff alright (Y)
Starting August 3rd!

The flights
The flights
I smsed lots of people before I got in the mega cold plane.
From Jakarta to Hong Kong, it was 4.5 hours. Didn't get to see SuJu-M as I hoped, but I bought some cute souvenirs :'D I also saw some nude magazines in one of the shops... creepy.
From Hong Kong to Los Angeles, it was 13 hours. I kept taking pictures of the sky by the way 'cause the clouds were so beautiful. There were turbulence in both flights and I freaked out duh but after a while I got used to everything and felt safe (Y) I slept for 8 hours HURRAY. The only movie I watched was Finding Neverland, it was nice I guess. Then I watched Hannah Montana and Cory in the House LOLZ

Los Angeles
I posted pictures in FB if you haven't seen ;D
From Hong Kong to Los Angeles, it was 13 hours. I kept taking pictures of the sky by the way 'cause the clouds were so beautiful. There were turbulence in both flights and I freaked out duh but after a while I got used to everything and felt safe (Y) I slept for 8 hours HURRAY. The only movie I watched was Finding Neverland, it was nice I guess. Then I watched Hannah Montana and Cory in the House LOLZ
Los Angeles
I posted pictures in FB if you haven't seen ;D
We weren't supposed to take long in the airport but since Dad had to do this interview we spent like 4 hours or something in that place. It was right there that I discovered that Americans are friendly. Whilst loitering about, HUNDREDS of people kept coming in and I watched them, looking for Muslims [there was a lot] and cute guys [there was a lot too and I think from France].
It was err, evening but we had to go rent a car. Again I discovered that skies here are pretty. When we reached the internet-less hotel it was 7 I think but the sky was still bright - I wasn't surprised though 'cause I knew Maghrib here is at 8...
The next day we went to Hollywood! I couldn't recall any memories even though I've been there before -__-; After much walking around, taking pictures, observing stars on the Walk of Fame and browsing souvenir shops I realised the place isn't all THAT wow and great. It seemed normal to me [except there were people in Spiderman, Bugs Bunny and robot costumes, that doesn't count]. Sadly we had to drive to Las Vegas today so no more venturing the place, I was so hoping to going to Universal Studios/Disneyland -__-

Las Vegas
Again, there's lots of pics in FB
It was err, evening but we had to go rent a car. Again I discovered that skies here are pretty. When we reached the internet-less hotel it was 7 I think but the sky was still bright - I wasn't surprised though 'cause I knew Maghrib here is at 8...
The next day we went to Hollywood! I couldn't recall any memories even though I've been there before -__-; After much walking around, taking pictures, observing stars on the Walk of Fame and browsing souvenir shops I realised the place isn't all THAT wow and great. It seemed normal to me [except there were people in Spiderman, Bugs Bunny and robot costumes, that doesn't count]. Sadly we had to drive to Las Vegas today so no more venturing the place, I was so hoping to going to Universal Studios/Disneyland -__-
Las Vegas
Again, there's lots of pics in FB
We reached this place in the evening, and spent 2 days in the awesome Hilton (Y)
There was Disney Channel so I watched that, but there was also free internet too :D I was so surprised at how much Zack and Cody have grown, their voices are so manly now and Cody is the ganteng-est Western/17yr old boy I've ever seen /melts. By the way, toilets here do not have handheld bidets [you know, the semprot2 thing] and that's REALLY INCONVENIENT. It makes me unbothered to go to the bathroom! D:
At night me and my family walked around Las Vegas for 3 hours. I srsly thought the place wasted too much electricity and resources to build 29329032 casinos. After 2 hours of walking I finally noticed that nearly every single pavement had porn flyers. People give them out. It was disgusting to see. I mean, don't they think about kids? And the thing is, people throw them away... so it wastes paper. Ugh, it was so disturbing. But other than that I had fun taking pictures (Y) I stayed up 'til Subuh fangirling yay~

Just go to FB...
At night me and my family walked around Las Vegas for 3 hours. I srsly thought the place wasted too much electricity and resources to build 29329032 casinos. After 2 hours of walking I finally noticed that nearly every single pavement had porn flyers. People give them out. It was disgusting to see. I mean, don't they think about kids? And the thing is, people throw them away... so it wastes paper. Ugh, it was so disturbing. But other than that I had fun taking pictures (Y) I stayed up 'til Subuh fangirling yay~
I woke up at 2pm the following afternoon and immediately went out again after praying. We went to this mall that looks EXACTLY LIKE VILLAGGIO and I swear I wanted to cry ;__; There wasn't much to do there but it was a good place to take photos. We rode on monorails btw (Y) In one of the rides I saw an Asian man reading a porn magazine... he immediately hid the cover but I still found out anyway, haha, I have good eyes.
OK I ain't bothered to describe what happens next, go see picturesColorado
Just go to FB...
I forgot to say that each time we drive to a new destination there's always spectacular views of mountains. I also forgot to say that me and Ocha has been experiencing EXTREME insomnia. I never sleep before 11pm, NEVER. It's always at around 1am and I hate it.
Well anyway on the 7th of August I reached Denver, the capital city of the state. Our hotel is nice [specially the pillows and bed] but where my laptop is positioned decreases privacy.
Did I tell you that since we've arrived in this country my parents have been 10000000% increasingly ANNOYING? They keep telling me to sleep early, they force me to do minor, trivial, un-needing-to-be-forced stuff and SO MANY OTHER THINGS. And the thing is they irritate me every fakin day. This isn't how I wanna spend the last weeks with my parents, but they're not giving me a choice! They just make me so mad a lot.
Ignoring that, on the 8th we went to my college, just driving around the area of Golden. Since my campus exploration is something important, I think filling paragraphs concerning my thoughts about the place should be necessary.
When looking around was done we went to a mall, where there was a bookstore that sold MANGA. Since I saw that, I've been checking out the manga section in every single bookstore I visit in Colorado. I'm planning to use the money I'll ask from my parents to buy hundreds of volumes *evil laugh*. We bought lots of shoes. At night Fajar greeted me in FB with an 'oi' when I was in the BATHROOM. I really didn't expect that. When I saw the chat I wanted to punch my stomach for aching right at that moment, and Fajar for greeting me with that hideous 2-lettered word.
On the 9th of August we went to downtown Denver (Y) Again I thought the city would be bigger but it wasn't - there's hardly any cars on the road, there's actually more people walking O: I kinda like it like that though. Less traffic. We went to this long street that turned out to be filled with shops, basically an outdoor mall, but I didn't buy anything. Shopkeepers and restaurant staff are REALLY REALLY NICE here, I swear. There was lots of grass. By the way we saw an amusement park and it looked way beyond cool, as I gaped at the creepy rides I kept wishing I could go there with you guys, cries. Back in the hotel it started raining but after checking again it turned out to be HAIL! T'was nice :'D

Well anyway on the 7th of August I reached Denver, the capital city of the state. Our hotel is nice [specially the pillows and bed] but where my laptop is positioned decreases privacy.
Did I tell you that since we've arrived in this country my parents have been 10000000% increasingly ANNOYING? They keep telling me to sleep early, they force me to do minor, trivial, un-needing-to-be-forced stuff and SO MANY OTHER THINGS. And the thing is they irritate me every fakin day. This isn't how I wanna spend the last weeks with my parents, but they're not giving me a choice! They just make me so mad a lot.
Ignoring that, on the 8th we went to my college, just driving around the area of Golden. Since my campus exploration is something important, I think filling paragraphs concerning my thoughts about the place should be necessary.
First three impressions;OK now for more detail. No.1, the campus had less grassy fields than what I expected. I thought there would be more buildings too, but there wasn't - I was disappointed about that, and the size of course. The college is very close to people's houses, infact they're just across the street. No.2, the town reminded me of old Wild West places, like this. However it is cute, except I don't think I'll be visiting the streets so often 'cause there aren't any interesting shops or places to see [well maybe restaurants...]. The thing I like the most about my future place-of-living [I refuse to call it home, OK] is No.3 - all the nature /heart. Come on, you don't get grassy areas, hundreds of trees and mountains in the distance as a view everyday in Doha, right? Plus the air is so fresh. Well anyway, I seriously don't know how life there will be like. I still believe I'll go to the city a lot more =P
1. It wasn't how I thought it would look like. Google Earth tricked myeyes. It was a whole lot SMALLER [I mean the college]
2. It only takes at least 10 minutes to drive from the college to Denver o__O; The town, Golden, is like... so cowboy western style. Pretty cute
3. The neighborhoods and surrounding areas are SO GREEN and MOUNTAINY I'd consider riding a bike everyday :'D
When looking around was done we went to a mall, where there was a bookstore that sold MANGA. Since I saw that, I've been checking out the manga section in every single bookstore I visit in Colorado. I'm planning to use the money I'll ask from my parents to buy hundreds of volumes *evil laugh*. We bought lots of shoes. At night Fajar greeted me in FB with an 'oi' when I was in the BATHROOM. I really didn't expect that. When I saw the chat I wanted to punch my stomach for aching right at that moment, and Fajar for greeting me with that hideous 2-lettered word.
On the 9th of August we went to downtown Denver (Y) Again I thought the city would be bigger but it wasn't - there's hardly any cars on the road, there's actually more people walking O: I kinda like it like that though. Less traffic. We went to this long street that turned out to be filled with shops, basically an outdoor mall, but I didn't buy anything. Shopkeepers and restaurant staff are REALLY REALLY NICE here, I swear. There was lots of grass. By the way we saw an amusement park and it looked way beyond cool, as I gaped at the creepy rides I kept wishing I could go there with you guys, cries. Back in the hotel it started raining but after checking again it turned out to be HAIL! T'was nice :'D
10th August, visited my college again. I quote my twit, I have so many things in my mind I wanna tell someone but i think only my blog is ever available.
Again, damn, the staff there are too nice. Specially the dorm lady - she kept SMILING. In the Administration office dad talked to the lady with his seriously-needs-to-be-improved English whilst I kept gazing at all the souvenirs she got from students. I was attracted to this photo of Malaysian students. There were A LOT. She gave me the Orientation schedule which has like 4 sessions, each around 30 mins long, of meeting fellow students [there's a session especially for Muslim students and I was relieved]. There's even gunna be a BBQ that lasts 1.5hrs or something. When I saw those parts I swear I felt like ditching the orientation. You guys know how I hate meeting new people right? Well since I'm living a new life I have no other choice, but to do it FORCEFULLY/ON PURPOSE/WITH SCHEDULE like that is WAY TOO INTIMIDATING. What if I don't know what to say? What if no-one approaches me? IT WORRIES ME SO MUCH TT___TT That's why I really wanted someone to talk to about this, but there's no-one....... it makes me sad.
We finally visited my dorm. When the friendly lady opened the door, I was really surprised. It was nothing like how I imagined it - duh, what you imagine never comes true. I thought there would be a TV and a kitchen. But there wasn't. I thought the common room would be big. But it was as small as the kitchen in the compound. She opened my single bedroom and I thought it would be bigger. But it was 3/5 the size of a Sekompond bedroom, I MEAN IT. I wondered how the planned-to-be-bought mini-fridge, microwave and bookrack would fit there. I thought since I'll be living without a mother for 4 years, I could learn to COOK, but circumstances aren't allowing me. The flippin' kitchen is downstairs, and I'm on the 4th floor! Siiiiiiiigh. My hopes were really shattered. But on the positive side since I have my own room it's easier to pray and I have more privacy. Plus the bed seems nice. And I'm thinking of decorating a lot. How depressing is my life, really?
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (PBUH) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.
I think the above hadith applies to me... OK so when I'm in the hotel all I usually do is Facebook [Nisa's often around so it makes me feel a lot less lonely, our wallposts and messages amuse me, thanks Nisaaaaa :D], fangirl, discover music and DEFINITELY watch TV [basically Disney Channel, I know the shows are aimed at kids but I like them OK [specially since there's cute guys] D:]. I've grown to liking Sonny With a Chance and after some episodes, Chad Dylan Cooper real life name Sterling Knight. He is sooooooo cute and I love his character in the show :'D I support Chad x Sonny 'cause their relationship is like in manga (Y) Me and Ocha also tend to lol every single time Mackenzie Falls is mentioned/appears 'cause it's just just a funny name OK. I'm gunna be so deprived of TV when I move into the dorm ;__;
Again, damn, the staff there are too nice. Specially the dorm lady - she kept SMILING. In the Administration office dad talked to the lady with his seriously-needs-to-be-improved English whilst I kept gazing at all the souvenirs she got from students. I was attracted to this photo of Malaysian students. There were A LOT. She gave me the Orientation schedule which has like 4 sessions, each around 30 mins long, of meeting fellow students [there's a session especially for Muslim students and I was relieved]. There's even gunna be a BBQ that lasts 1.5hrs or something. When I saw those parts I swear I felt like ditching the orientation. You guys know how I hate meeting new people right? Well since I'm living a new life I have no other choice, but to do it FORCEFULLY/ON PURPOSE/WITH SCHEDULE like that is WAY TOO INTIMIDATING. What if I don't know what to say? What if no-one approaches me? IT WORRIES ME SO MUCH TT___TT That's why I really wanted someone to talk to about this, but there's no-one....... it makes me sad.
We finally visited my dorm. When the friendly lady opened the door, I was really surprised. It was nothing like how I imagined it - duh, what you imagine never comes true. I thought there would be a TV and a kitchen. But there wasn't. I thought the common room would be big. But it was as small as the kitchen in the compound. She opened my single bedroom and I thought it would be bigger. But it was 3/5 the size of a Sekompond bedroom, I MEAN IT. I wondered how the planned-to-be-bought mini-fridge, microwave and bookrack would fit there. I thought since I'll be living without a mother for 4 years, I could learn to COOK, but circumstances aren't allowing me. The flippin' kitchen is downstairs, and I'm on the 4th floor! Siiiiiiiigh. My hopes were really shattered. But on the positive side since I have my own room it's easier to pray and I have more privacy. Plus the bed seems nice. And I'm thinking of decorating a lot. How depressing is my life, really?
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (PBUH) as saying: The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer.
I think the above hadith applies to me... OK so when I'm in the hotel all I usually do is Facebook [Nisa's often around so it makes me feel a lot less lonely, our wallposts and messages amuse me, thanks Nisaaaaa :D], fangirl, discover music and DEFINITELY watch TV [basically Disney Channel, I know the shows are aimed at kids but I like them OK [specially since there's cute guys] D:]. I've grown to liking Sonny With a Chance and after some episodes, Chad Dylan Cooper real life name Sterling Knight. He is sooooooo cute and I love his character in the show :'D I support Chad x Sonny 'cause their relationship is like in manga (Y) Me and Ocha also tend to lol every single time Mackenzie Falls is mentioned/appears 'cause it's just just a funny name OK. I'm gunna be so deprived of TV when I move into the dorm ;__;
Left: Chad, I couldn't be bothered to find a better pic lol
Right: Cody /heart
Right: Cody /heart
I just realised their hairstyles are similar... But they both rock it well (Y)
Oh yes here's my new number; 7205611305, you have to add a +1 if you wanna sms or call OK ;) [as far as I remember lolz]
On the 13th of August we went on a road trip around Colorado! I listened to music the entire ride [and slept], I fell in love with Back-On's - Flower, it's a Japanese song but it's REALLY beautiful especially the lyrics. Here are my favourite segments:
Oh yes here's my new number; 7205611305, you have to add a +1 if you wanna sms or call OK ;) [as far as I remember lolz]
On the 13th of August we went on a road trip around Colorado! I listened to music the entire ride [and slept], I fell in love with Back-On's - Flower, it's a Japanese song but it's REALLY beautiful especially the lyrics. Here are my favourite segments:
[I] cannot honestly say “Thank you”…
[I] hate this part of myself.
It was only one word, but it could not come out of my mouth.
[I] am finding the exit inside my chest.
[I] cannot honestly say “Thank you”
The truth is I love you
No matter how much time passes
It will continue to bloom without change
Forever in this place, Flower.
AAAAAAAAA and when I listen to the song it makes me wanna cryy ;______;
Back to the road trip, we stopped by this Great Sand Dunes National Park for an hour or so, we didn't get to climb up 'cause it was too far. It was weird seeing dunes in a mountainy snowy place like Colorado o___O; But it reminded me of home T~T

Back to the road trip, we stopped by this Great Sand Dunes National Park for an hour or so, we didn't get to climb up 'cause it was too far. It was weird seeing dunes in a mountainy snowy place like Colorado o___O; But it reminded me of home T~T
The sky was continuously grey and cloudy [same thing?] but I liked that.
We stayed for a night in a random foresty town called Durango, it was a tourist destination but all I saw were rivers and lots of trees... There was this supermarket called Walgreens/Wallgreens and me and Ocha made the opposite - Floorreds, then we saw Subway and I was like 'what's the opposite of sub?' and she said 'raw' and I laughed so hard 'til I cried. I wonder if you guys get it. The next day we went to the Royal Gorge Bridge, I remember visiting that place but back then I wasn't scared of heights so now I kept wailing not wanting to cross but I did anyway with great fear especially when the bridge kept shaking. I reached the other end successfully anyway! :D The way back wasn't as creepy (Y) After riding the inclined train thingy, carousel [me not included] and mini train, we stayed for a night in a random town Idk the name of. I ate KFC (Y) fyi it's not as good as the one in Qatar and Indonesia ;__:
I got back to Denver yesterday and happily played my laptop and watched TV. Today I shopped for towels and bed items, freaking out intensely 'cause it's only 5 more days 'til I move in Weaver Towers [the name of my dorm]. I'm really scared and 1% excited. Oh and sorry this entry's longer than I intended to make it, hey it's 2 weeks' worth, you can't blame me [who reads this anyway?].
I got back to Denver yesterday and happily played my laptop and watched TV. Today I shopped for towels and bed items, freaking out intensely 'cause it's only 5 more days 'til I move in Weaver Towers [the name of my dorm]. I'm really scared and 1% excited. Oh and sorry this entry's longer than I intended to make it, hey it's 2 weeks' worth, you can't blame me [who reads this anyway?].
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